Page 111 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 13
P. 111


          bucket. And because they are not   to manifest what our destinies are,   of whitewashed tombs with dead
          thinking to ask the accurate question   confidently build new unsaturated   bones. Many Afrikans create things
          about how they got into the bucket   areas of interests and critical think-  just for the purpose of selling them
          in the first place, and how to at least   ing about setting up institutions that   to the West and then turn back and
          come out of it and live without it.   last beyond ourselves etc.      say things are not working in Afrika.
          They fight and waste time, thinking                                   How will they?
          they are cursed, and by that inner   Remember Putin’s words (inter-
          conviction of a “curse”, they lived   spersed here with mine): As long as   Is there really a curse at work?
          as “cursed people.” Afrikans must   Africans believe in Europe, America   What’s a curse really?
          kick away their supposed “buckets”   and China more than in themselves,   According to wikpedia, a “curse” may
          of limited visions, myopic thinking,   Africa will never develop. Africans   refer to such a wish or pronouncement
          rat race tendencies that leave them   don’t trust themselves at all. A white   made effective by a supernatural or spiritu-
          as rats even if they “win” the race,   man will commit crime in Africa   al power, such as a god or gods, a spirit, or
          tendencies to pull at each other in-  but no action will be taken because   a natural force, or else as a kind of  spell
          stead of pushing each other forward   African authorities view us as semi-  by magic or witchcraft.
          and the many other “curses” we     gods, far from the truth. A black   The question now is this, knowing
          allow upon ourselves.              man can be abducted in Europe, get   that “curse” or “curses”manifests
                                             harassed or even killed, but no Afri-  through wishes, which is only pos-
          A short while ago, I was having a   can authority will question. Africans   sible by thoughts in a mind, could
          chat with my wife, and we were just   present themselves as weak people   it be that the actual “curse” of the
          talking about Afrikan issues and why   with no hope especially when deal-  Afrikan is the mindset that keeps
          it seems that the average Afrikan (a   ing with Europeans and Americans.  “wishing” for that which is not the
          huge chunk of the lot) think they                                     true reality of the Afrikan people?
          need to do what everyone else is   We Afrikans are our own ene-       I believe it is. For if Afrika is the
          doing to make it in life. We talked   mies.                           cradle of humanity, and the mother
          about the tendency of Afrikans      Afrikan governments impose        of all humanity, and if her “wishes”
          to fill up a particular sector of the   insane taxes, levies, licenses that   have been accurate, should Afrikans
          economy, causing it to become      only cripple the ability of the youths   not have been in their best place by
          over-saturated, simply because     to set up businesses or even inno-  now? They should be. The rate of
          others are there and are “making” it.   vate, and then they say the youths   self-hate, negativity and self-impeed-
          Instead of looking for other sectors   are unemployed. Some even have   ing pronouncements Afrikans use
          that are not saturated yet and then   the heart to say their youths are   against anything Afrikan is terrible.
          build from ground up a new reality.   lazy, worthless, unemployable and   Curses are thought energy given
          And my words to her were, it is    corrupt. That’s a cloud of shame   strength by words and that’s why
          majorly the foolishness of the heart   on the faces of such leaders. They   you hear of people that cast spells.
          and a weakness of mind that makes   forget that what the youths produce
          people do such things. For clearly   as fruit is the very effect of the seed   Why can’t a graduate of mechani-
          when you look at the sky, there is   that they, the leaders, sowed.   cal engineering collaborate with a
          never traffic jam there. Why? The                                     graduate of software engineering
          vast and open space is very huge   It breaks the heart to know that   and build a technology that works
          compared to the minimal numbers    when an Afrikan becomes rich, his   for the Afrikan people, instead of
          of planes that fly there. Using the   bank accounts are in Switzerland.   sitting and complaining that there is
          same analogy, there are traffic jams   He travels to France for Medical   no job? What better “job” should a
          on our roads because the small and   treatment. He invests in Germany.   man have than the one that CRE-
          limited road space cannot carry the   He buys from Dubai. He consumes   ATES new technology and then
          numbers of cars available on the   Chinese. He prays in Rome or Mec-  employs others that also CREATE?
          roads. So, what does that mean? It   ca. His children study in Europe. He
          simply means, we as Afrikans must   travels to Canada, USA, Europe for   We must stop being the “witches”
          learn to think without  any boxes   tourism. If he dies, he will be buried   that are “cursing” our own reality.
          of limitations, weird mindsets of   in his native country of Afrika.   We must be a THINKING and
          pulling each other down, foolish at-  Afrika is just a cemetery for many   CREATING PEOPLE.
          titudes that make us not realize that   Afrikans. So how can you devel-
          we don’t have to be like any one else   op a cemetery except a collection   We are BLESSED.

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