Page 110 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 13
P. 110
do not believe that Afrika, or Afrikans do which can only be build family wealth.”
the people of Afrikan de- tagged as either a consequence of
scent, are cursed nor are they some “curse” or a “curse” itself. Is what she said true? Absolutely
I a curse to the nations of the They just don’t make any sense. true in many areas of the life of
world. On the contrary, and like I the Afrikan. Is this not one of the
have already said in another article For instance, someone called Tracy “curses” of the Afrikan people?
in this same issue, Afrika has been Zille shared a Facebook post that re- Yes it is. Is it a good way to live as a
a blessing and still a blessing to the ally got my attention. I think she is a people who want to be emancipated
entire nations of the earth, either di- South African white lady (or a black from the many enslavements that
rectly or indirectly. So, the issue of a South Afrikan man disguised as a have taken over them for gener-
cursed Afrika is nonsense. But what white lady) and for what it’s worth ations? No at all. Is there a way
about the issue of an Afrika and telling, she says fundamental things around it? Yes there is. A need for
Afrikans that are only known for about Afrikans, even though many a rethink and a re-framing of
acting and behaving like “a cursed people thinks she is mean. She said: identity and reality.
people?” This is the one I will try to “The only time you unite as a family to do
talk about in this article. For when something for a family member is when you Some people call it “the crab in
a people behave and keep behaving are preparing for a funeral. You can’t unite the bucket” syndrome.
like those with chains of curses as a family and start a family business I think we really need to revisit this
around their necks, even though that will employ unemployed family mem- issue and quite frankly, we need
they are not cursed in the real sense bers because you want them to remain poor to do it now. The truth is, most
of it, they actively propagate that and continue to eat under your feet. You Afrikans have been living with each
which is directly against their true compete with each other instead of complet- other like crabs in a bucket. Every
identity and by that they are seen as ing each other. Some of you develope chest one of them fighting and pulling
cursed. pain when your family members succeed in themselves down to make personal
life. Africans must learn from Indian and breakthrough, while not thinking
The foolish things Afrikans do Chinese families. Their people put money that the only reason why they have
There are definitely a lot of things together as a family and work hard to to fight at all is because there is a
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