Page 107 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 13
P. 107
ALLY DOING: “PATENTED”. What does that mean? Well since
many of you are from the group labelled as “Black”
Last year sometime Jan-March you should be familiar with how slaves were
I emailed everyone telling you
categorically they were planning to “BRANDED” with hot iron rods to their OWNERS.
CHIP YOU and STERILIZE your Yes! this is the digital equivalent. So once that stuff
black butt. Many “scoffed” then is inside of you without you understanding it you
but now, a year later, the reality is
coming to the fore. are basically OWNED by the company or scientist
who patented the product inside of you as you offi-
I was not a soothsayer I just did
what many of YOU often do not do cially become their digital SLAVE:
and that was LISTEN (but listened
CAREFULLY) and then put the
5WH thinking framework to work,
as I took what I heard and using my sword (like most things) as it can more if I was to point out to you
experiences and knowledge analyti- be used for good and for evil and that military grade signals can slice
cally/objectively as best as possible as such it all depends on MOTIVE: through a person at most, and even
put the pieces together. For those who have a technological cook your internal organs at least
Here I will go the extra mile to EX- background hopefully (instead of when such a ray is directed at a
PLAIN from a technical perspective being in AWE of what you do not person, none of such technological
to you how what is happening works fully understand, try to see beyond information would be news to you
as it is clear that many are unaware the hype and impressive market- given you are IT literate right?
of the “HOW” it works and a few ing by simply looking at what they Anyway, if I also told you that the
back then even went ignorantly into are NOT telling you) you are a bit computers and supercomputers
defensive denial of 5G Wireless sig- familiar with what WIRELESS (basically machines that have high-
naling not understanding the “Role” technology is and probably how it end calculation/logic processing
it plays in the completed process of works. power and storage and sorting/
things. querying capabilities) needed for
For the technical minded you any LARGE-SCALE data collection
While others who are in “AWE” of probably understand frequencies, of 6.6 billion people to the “cloud”
technology repeatedly give the likes spectrums, channels, bands, ranges needs various components working
of Gates, Musk and others godly and strengths of frequencies etc. in relay to achieve such a task as no
standing ovations when they have You probably understand databases, “ONE” component will achieve
no clue what these people even transactions, queries, transmission/ this end result as it needs a team of
publicly told them that they intend signaling and processing power. components working in concert.
doing to them, yet they hold them Special Data Centers (serving
up high on pedestals and praise! So, if I was to tell you that certain national intelligence) are needed in
That said, I can understand that it channels/frequencies have been strategic places to receive all this
may not be easy for the ordinary traditionally reserved for “military” data being transmitted up into the
person to see what these crafty/ use, you should thus know that, “cloud” (that said for those unfamil-
cunning creatures are doing as you and also if I was to tell you that iar with IT terminology, there is no
do not share my 3 decades plus of certain frequencies and strengths of real “cloud” it is just an analogy of
IT experiences, so for me to expect frequencies are intentionally used to a grouping of processing resources
you to fully understand may be a bit spread controlled and directed rays such as computers and how data is
too ambitious, hence why I am here that burn the skin and high pitch stored and moved around etc.) as
breaking it down for you. audio signals that deafen the ears as the data needs a home and these
a means of dispersing so-called riot special purpose data centers are
THE 5G PIECE OF THE PUZ- mobs I assume such information where all transmitted information
ZLE: will not be a surprise to you also. will be located (as this data is not
Technology is a DOULE-EDGED Just to add one (out of the many) stored in your normal consumer