Page 108 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 13
P. 108
grade data center). super highway they needed. Smart component inside the human (bear
devices (and even certain modern in mind it goes “in” BUT THAT
To achieve this colossal transmission day home appliances) are the first DOES NOT MEAN it can come
it would need both transmission point receivers that have the pro- back out as this so far as known is
speed and bandwidth of a certain cessing power to relay on to the 5G a “one-way” system) you need the
magnitude (one that could also be towers the data the nano-technology VACCINES part as that acts as the
detrimental to human health, but feeds out from your body to the vector to deliver the nanobots to
that is not what I am concerned smart devices. The 5G towers then the cells, as that is the surest way
with here when talking about 5G) in route it on to the cloud, via picked to ensure the nano-bots are in the
order to constantly transmit such a up satellite signaling in real time, bloodstream where they can alter
volume of data in real time, and that that then end up as database data in the human DNA and do what is
is where 5G for its speed and band- computers in these strategic Data required of them.
width/range fits into the puzzle. Centers ready for mining and pro-
Just stop to do some analytical cessing according to motives. One Additionally, (something many
thinking; remembering the quote at key point to note here is that this probably do not realize) is that the
the top of this email which states as “signaling routing pattern is “TWO” human manipulated parts of the
of 2010 it was 6.6 BILLION people way that is they can also send signals components going into the vaccine
now imagine in real time transmit- to your body. are also “Patented”. What does that
ting data from each person from Some of you may have already mean? Well since many of you are
that 6.6 billion catchment into com- (unknowingly) felt the impact to from the group labeled as “Black”
puters situated in remote locations... human health of radio waves jos- you should be familiar with how
you certainly need some form of tling around in space and time from slaves were “BRANDED” with
medium (5G) capable of such a task your smart phones, smart devices hot iron rods to their OWNERS.
to do so. and various public antenna’s etc., Yes! this is the digital equivalent.
as some of you may have in recent So once that stuff is inside of you
The key here is REAL TIME. Do times experienced slight burning without you understanding it you are
not be fooled they already do this sensations in your skin, muscle basically OWNED by the company
sort of thing with Diabetic and cer- spasms, leg pains, and even sudden or scientist who patented the prod-
tain medical patients but NOT on rapid pulsating heart beats (many uct inside of you as you officially
the magnitude of Billions of people of us have we just often overlook become their digital SLAVE: Go do
as they transmit real-time data from it). Do not waste your time asking some reading up as this is not news
within their bloodstream via special your doctor, as many are clueless but rather common sense.
smart devices to centrally located on these things and, even if they
databases (cloud computers) so it knew, they dare not speak. These THE MEDIA PIECE OF THE
is not something new or science and many more are the hazards of PUZZLE
fiction: radio frequencies then add a bit of To understand why the MAIN
imagination to the mix and I am STREAM MEDIA is INTEN-
Hopefully by now you can see that sure you can piece together what TIONALLY BLANKING THIS
you will need a signaling system that could possibly happen where there OUT Ask yourself who pays their
is high powered enough to achieve is a MOTIVE in a “TWO-WAY” bills? Who supplies them with the
this sort of grand feat and that is signaling transmission that is out of advertising billions? They are just
where 5G fits into the puzzle as it your control. the means to keep the masses IG-
is the means for TRANSMISSION NORANT and stupid. As (hopeful-
as this whole puzzle fits like a relay THE VACCINE & NANO TECH- ly) you already know that the ME-
race. NOLOGY PIECE OF THE DIA STAFF are more corrupt than
PUZZLE anyone (in their own right they are
They would not be able to do this worse than Mobutu when it comes
via LANDLINES because it would However, even before the 5G part to corruption) could imagine as the
not be practical to physically hook you first need to have an “agent” late (surprise surprise he is now late)
everyone up to a home PC and then that creates/manipulates the human German journalist by name Udo
get the software to transmit the data data and that is where the bio-war- Ulfkotte exposed how journalists in
via cabling. fare part that you hear talked about the media feast on bribes.
5G on the other hand is the wireless comes from. As to get this nanobot Hopefully you also understand that
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