Page 103 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 13
P. 103
Maize (corn) resistance crop and does well in against harsh climatic conditions. It
When you think about maize, you semi-arid climates. Sorghum can be can be cooked and eaten as a whole
might automatically associate it cooked like rice, milled into flour, grain or ground into flour and used
with ugali or the sweet mahin- and even popped like popcorn as a to make baked goods, bread and
di choma garnished with lemon healthy snack. Most of the sorghum pasta that add a great crunch to
chili as a delectable street snack. around the world is processed into any recipe. Teff is a high source of
A popular dish and staple around sugars where it changes into a more B vitamins and essential minerals
many countries in Africa. In other simple compound lacking many of such as iron, calcium, copper, and
parts of the world, it is referred to its original nutrients and used in zinc that helps boost the immune
as corn and enjoyed in different the manufacture of ethanol fuels. system. It is rich in crude fibre and
ways as a gluten free alternative. It It is rich in vitamins A and B, high high in proteins and a complete set
can also be fermented and served in calcium, iron, and zinc, and also of essential amino acids. It helps
at breakfast as porridge or mixed contains potassium, phosphorus, in lowering blood sugar better than
with other gluten-free grains such magnesium, copper, and manganese. a lot of other whole grains and is
as millet, amaranth, sorghum etc. to These beneficial plant compounds a significant source of bioactive
make a more dense form of ugali. act as antioxidants that reduce oxi- compounds, including polyphenols
When eaten in its whole form, maize dative stress and lowers the risk of rich in flavonoid derivatives. Eating
contains nutrients such as vitamin A, chronic disease as well as help slow fermented teff (like injera) helps the
vitamin C, iron, proteins and fibre the absorption of sugar to keep body absorb more nutrients easily.
which aids in maintaining a healthy blood sugar levels steady.
weight, regulating blood sugar,
boosting immunity, and energy
production. It is a good source
of lutein and zeaxanthin, two
carotenoids that are associated
with a decreased risk of eye
disease. When processed and
steel-cut for mass production, a Fonio
lot of the nutrients are lost and This drought and pest-resistant crop
many shop-bought options will takes six to eight weeks to grow
be fortified for this reason. Stone Teff
milled maize contains the germ Have you ever wondered what the and harvest the grain. Fonio is an
ancient grain native to West Africa
of the kernel where all these sour fermented flatbread (injera) en- and is also known as acha, iburura,
amazing nutrients are joyed as an Ethiopian staple is made and hungry rice. It is a member of
found. out of? Did you know it is highly the millet family and provides added
nutritious and gluten-free? diversity when it comes to nutrition-
ally rich foods found in two types;
Mention a Shiro or tibs dish and the Digitaria iburua and Digitaria exilis.
accompaniment will be this delicious
whole grain made in large round Fonio has an earthy taste that readily
sheets to share with companions or absorbs the flavors of the foods it’s
to enjoy on your own eaten only the prepared with and can be cooked as
best way possible, with your fingers couscous, made into a porridge, or
stuck right in. Teff is a tiny grain as an alternative to oatmeal in the
grown primarily in Ethiopia and Er- morning. Traditionally it is included
Sorghum itrea that has an earthy, nutty, sweet in local beverages. It can also be
This ancient whole grain found orig- taste. Here teff flour is fermented milled into flour and used in baked
inally in Africa is one of the most with yeast that lives on the surface goods as a gluten free alternative.
versatile crops in the world. Also of the grain and used to make a Fonio is a great source of amino
known as Milo, it varies in color traditional sourdough flatbread acids especially in methionine that
from white to pale yellow, to deep called injera. The crop does well in helps in maintaining skin elasticity,
reds and browns. It is a high drought arid and semi-arid regions, strong hair growth, nail health, and the