Page 97 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 13
P. 97
linked to deformities support a narrative and there is very
in male and female grave danger in that. It was import-
genitalia as well as ant, and this is one way where Covid
increasing cases in has been useful, for the entire world
cancer… among to understand - outside of a movie
other issues. The theatre or a novel - that it is possi-
horrendously evil ble for science to be sullied by evil
Tuskegee Syphilis people. Just as important was that
‘experiments’ (or everyone to understand how deadly
rather, murders), it can be if a handful of people de-
the multiple cide for you – based on the science
medical experi- – what your life will look like, sound
ments conducted like and feel like for the remainder
in Afrika in the of your days. Because, if you hadn’t
jab? Why would they claim area of HIV/AIDS and so-called noticed, that’s actually what they’re
vaccines are safe for adolescents and ‘childhood diseases’ and those done working on. And when they’re done
then postpone urgent discussions in India… all under the aegis of sci- with Covid19, they already have
around the increasing cases of heart ence… all running contrary to the climate lockdowns planned and
inflammations in these young ones Nuremburg Code – all deserving of waiting in the sidelines to be rolled
who followed their instructions? the title Crimes Against Humanity out when convenient… just as they
Why would they continue to vac- or genocide. Not to forget to men- have an economic crisis primed and
cinate, when thousands of deaths tion the increased environmental ready to zap the world with if they
have been reported in connection to pollution and contamination arising so feel like. They? The global cabal
these vaccines around the world – from ‘innovation’ and ‘human that acts like it controls this world.
and when previous vaccine initia- advancement’ in the area of manu- Everyone from the private sector
tives were stopped for fewer deaths? facturing, extractives, construction, to the public sector in every sector
Unbiased? Observations? Or is telecommunications, energy and on who has decided that the they are
it just experimentation? Read the and on. the ones who have the power to
Nuremburg Code. make decisions on your behalf…
But, the worst part of all of this is and are going about actively doing
that it all seems to be tied to money. so as they so desire.
It would be enormously unfair to
focus this failure of science exclu- Even if science claims to be ‘objec-
sively on Covid 19 – even as Covid tive’ forming no position on either But no one says you have to comply.
19 did provide an ideal platform what is ‘good’ or ‘evil’… surely it In fact, one report I saw suggested
for the amplification of its failures. has a responsibility not to remain that one of the well-known globalist
The truth is, there are many other neutral when its own creations groupings that influences corporate
instances where ‘science’ has been are turned into weapons of mass and government policy and direc-
failing the world and still pushing destruction? The false neutrality is a tion were quite frustrated with the
ahead as if nothing is happening. façade that science uses as an excuse fact that people would not simply
We would be remiss if we ignored to exercise and nurture a beastly na- obey, but rather chose to exercise
issues like infant, child and adult ture, seeking willing funders to allow their free will and push back against
vaccinations which have been linked them to explore the depths of their the lies they saw and the regulations
to autism, non-communicable imaginations and claim that they are they knew to be unfair and unjust.
diseases, cancer, deaths and more. removed from making a determina- Just because they have decided to try
We would be equally remiss if we tion on whether merging a human to make you a pawn in their scheme,
ignored the medications that have with a pig is immoral or not. After doesn’t mean you cannot decline
caused similar issues and problems all, it’s science. entirely. You are free to choose a
in the populations that use pre- good life, a free life, because that’s
scribed drugs. Just as we would have The reality is that the scientific how you were created to live. No
failed terribly if we did not highlight process has been proven to be as one gets to tell you otherwise. It’s
the crisis of organophosphates and corruptible as any other human that simple.
herbicides in agriculture, which are endeavor. Numbers can be faked
to create desired outcomes that will