Page 102 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 15
P. 102


                                                                                to Afrika with crippling strings
                                                                                attached to it. Afrika can simply.
                                                                                Afrika can luxuriously set up its very
                                                                                own Diaspora fund.

                                                                                By grace; it is fairly easy for Afrika
                                                                                to set up a Diaspora fund. Bear in
                                                                                mind that Afrika has millions of
                                                                                its own citizens who are currently
                                                                                displaced. Brilliant Afrikan citizens.
                                                                                The cream of the Afrikan manpow-
                                                                                er resource; are currently gainfully
                                                                                employed in the economies of
                                                                                non-Afrikan nations.

                                                                                By grace; it is fairly easy for Afrika
                                                                                to use this vibrant group of Afri-
                                                                                kans to fund the Diaspora fund.
                                                                                Then when the fund is swollen with
                                                                                financial resources; Africa can get
          In short, Afrika has been “sleeping
          through revolutions.” One revo-    The Brain drain from Afrika        the same group of Afrikan citizens
          lution after another has come and   The only thing which Afrika needs   to go back to Afrika to spearhead
          gone without disturbing Afrika’s   to do in order to reverse the Brain   Afrikan operations. It is a win-win
          sleep. This must stop. Whether     drain from Afrika; is to regain    situation for Afrika. Hallelujah
          Afrika likes to wake up. Or not. This   control of Afrika’s own resources.   hosanna.
          must stop. Stop it-must. And the   Afrika must fully recapture all of
          time to stop is now.               the fundamentals of the Afrikan    Unity of  purpose
                                             continent. It is as simple as counting
          Afrika soundly slept through the   from one to three.                 By grace; unity of purpose among
          revolution of the 15th century;                                       Afrikans is a key fundamental.
          when the Portuguese started kid-   When Afrika regains control over   Unity of purpose is a must-have
          napping Afrikans in what was to    its own fundamentals; only then    for Afrika. Unity is pivotal in the
          become, in later years, the Transat-  can Afrika afford to completely   success of the Afrikan nation.
          lantic slave trade.                ignore the international finance   Unity of purpose among Afrikans is
          Afrika was again fast asleep when   policies that are peddled by the   the best strategy to fight the di-
          non-Afrikan nations were busy strat-  Bretton Woods institutions. Particu-  vide-and-rule-Afrika strategy of the
          egizing against Afrika at the Berlin   larly those policies that are used by   non-Afrikan nations.
          conference.                        non-Afrikan nations to undermine
          Asleep again when non-Afrikan      Afrika.                            Afterall; the colonizer is very well
          nations were busy formulating the   When Afrika takes full control of   aware of the importance of unity
          Bretton Woods institutions which   everything that belongs to Afrika;   of purpose among Afrikan nations.
          spearheaded the strategy against   even the much bragged about inter-  That is the reason why the Coloniser
          Afrika since the beginning of God   national trade policies, that grossly   always seriously works hard towards
          owned time.                        disadvantage Afrika, becomes totally   the systematic crushing of Afrikan
                                             irrelevant to the juicy affairs of   communities.
          By any standards. Even by the      Afrikans.
          lowest of standards, Afrika’s sleep                                   It is a marvellously good thing that;
          through revolutions is not sustain-  By grace; a best way exists by which   by now it is clear, even to Afrikans
          able. There is too much channel    Afrika can flamboyantly say good-  themselves, that the enemy cannot
          noise where Afrika is sleeping. Al-  bye to funding from Bretton Woods   help. The enemy will not help. End
          ready; something is going BOOM,    institutions. Say goodbye to BW    of story.
          BOOM, BOOM!!!!! Wake up, Afrika.   institutions funding which comes

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