Page 101 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 15
P. 101
the twin institutions largely depends again return to Afrika. rikan nations to try to subdue Afri-
on the designed failures of the ka. To try to keep Afrika subdued
developing world. The IMF even This is the position which forced until amen.
has in place permanent unfair Trade the colonizer to hatch a second plan.
policies which make it difficult for A second equally dodgy plan that Every five years, deplorable Afrikan
Afrikan nations to add value to their attempts to give the ‘reformed’ col- leadership uses the Politics of man-
natural resources. It does not come onizer indefinite stay in Afrika. That kind to retain power over former
any more disgusting than this high is despite the revolt by Afrikans. colonies. To continue to operate in
level of deceitful character. That plan involved giving fake inde- a way which benefits the colonizer
pendence to all Afrikan colonies. without benefiting the Afrikans in
Reflection on the history of man- any way.
made Afrika; In ignorance of what the colonizer
planned for Africa; Afrikans cel- The fake legitimacy given to deplor-
Issues below the ground. Issues of ebrated the coming of fake inde- able Afrikan leaders, by periodic
the root; pendence as if it was the best thing elections, help sitting governments
that ever happened to Afrika. When to become more and more corrupt
Non-Afrikan nations planned to the masses of Afrikan descent were over time. Fake Afrikan govern-
destabilize Afrika. They joyously celebrating, they did not know; ments end up plundering Afrika
implemented their plan. Where we even more than what is done by
are as of now; time is ripe for both That the Colonial master was not former colonial masters.
sides of the same coin to critically leaving. The colonizer was going
reflect on the consequences of what nowhere. Evidence of massive plunder of
was planned. Of what was imple- That the huge multinational compa- Afrika. By Afrikans themselves. On
mented. A sober reflection of histo- nies, owned by the colonizer, were behalf of former colonial masters;
ry would not hurt anyone. Or would not leaving. They were not going is on display right across the Afrikan
it??? After All; in this day and age, anywhere. And their ownership continent. Everything lamentable
somebody is crying tears of blood. by the colonizer was not going to in Afrika is visible to the naked eye;
change. even without having to strain eyes
Colonization to see it;
The Colonizer performed mag- Afrikans did not know that periodic Poor education systems
nificently well. The colonies were elections do not improve gover- Poor health care systems
professionally demarcated. nance. Rather; periodic elections Poor social care systems
Colonial governments were swiftly simply recycle extremely bad politi- Poor infrastructure
established under treacherous Poli- cal leadership. Poor economic systems
tics of mankind guidelines. That political power without eco- Super weak currencies
Colonies were expertly developed nomic freedom is totally useless. Poor everything
into thriving countries.
The Afrikan was thoroughly sub- In short, although the eyes of Afrika must professionally
dued. Afrikan nations were wide open. counter strategize
They failed to visualize the fact that For far too long non-Afrikan na-
Naturally; the Afrikan began to feel the colonizer was certainly going to tions have been free to dominate
uncomfortable under oppression. continue to mercilessly exploit what Afrika. Should Afrikans continue to
As a result; the Afrikan revolted. does not belong to the colonizer. fail to resist vigorously, non-Afrikan
The revolt of Afrikans forced the The colonizer was going to continue nations may dominate Afrika until
colonizer to try to back off just a to selfishly exploit what belongs to Kingdom comes.
little bit. Afrikans. Was going to continue to The divide-and-rule Afrika strategy
do so at the massive sized expense has been succeeding on Afrikan soil,
Obviously; the colonizer does not of Afrikans. without resistance from Afrikans,
desire to completely disappear from for far too long.
Afrika. He has too much vested Issues above the ground The disgraceful looting of Afrika by
interest in Afrika. He would feel Looking around Afrika during this nations that are foreign to Afrika.
very uncomfortable if he was to say age, we see clear evidence of the And without resistance from Afrika.
goodbye to Afrika. And to never juicy fruit of the efforts of non-Af- Has gone on for far too long.