Page 96 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 15
P. 96
Health & Healing
gan child custody case. One partic-
ularly interesting series of questions
regarded the number of aborted
babes Plotkin has used in his exper-
Question: “So this study involved 74
fetuses, correct?”
Plotkin: “Seventy-six.”
Question: “And these fetuses were
all three months or older when
aborted, correct?”
Plotkin: “Yes.”6
Choice Pharmaceutical Institute Aborted baby parts are used for
(SCPI) lists dozens of vaccines and experiments All cells (including those harvested
medical products that contain abort- Cell lines based on aborted babies from aborted babies) have a finite
ed fetal cell lines. This chart also lists are used in the production of vari- capacity to replicate due to cellular
ethical vaccine alternatives when ous products aging. This vaccine trial thus re-
they are available. The morality of There is fetal cellular DNA debris in quired many cell lines in order to
using these vaccines developed from vaccines and medications. achieve its end.
fetal cell lines is a complicated issue,
though there are ethical guidelines The Fetal Tissue Marketplace A Better Option: Adult Stem Cells
available. Much research is currently being Dr. David Vice is Adjunct Profes-
SCPI is a biomedical research orga- done with fetal cells. We can deduce sor of Molecular Genetics at the
nization headed by Theresa Deisher, this because there is a lucrative mar- John Paul II Institute and President
who holds a PhD in Molecular and ket for the parts of unborn babies. of the Charlotte Lozier Institute.
Cellular Physiology from Stanford According to him, adult stem cells
and has registered 23 patents in the In a series of undercover videos, are the new “gold standard” for
field. Deisher, the first person to David Daleiden’s Center for Medical research and, unlike fetal stem cells,
identify and patent stem cells from Progress exposed Planned Parent- have led to actual cures. He says
the adult heart, has an insider’s un- hood abortion clinics selling aborted that “The superiority of adult stem
derstanding of genetic engineering, unborn baby parts to investigators cells in the clinic and the mounting
having worked for industry leaders posing as medical researchers. evidence supporting their effective-
such as Amgen, Genetech, and ness in regeneration and repair make
Repligen.4 The harvesting of organs from adult stem cells the gold standard of
aborted unborn babies has been stem cells for patients.”
SCPI “promotes awareness about going on for years. Dr. Theresa
the widespread use of fetal human Deisher first became aware of the We should then ask why we are still
material in drug discovery, devel- use of aborted babies in drug re- using embryonic cell lines when
opment and commercialization.” It search in 1996. Fresh aborted babies adult stem cells have become the
reveals that no vaccine product is are abundant and are a time-saver Gold Standard. There seems to be
completely pure: “You will find con- compared to the days spent obtain- little excuse to use aborted babies in
taminating DNA and cellular debris ing and preparing animal tissue for order to produce a product line.
from the production cell in your laboratory experiments.
final product. When we switch from U.S. Policy on Products That Use
using animal cells to using human Much more recently, in 2018, pro- Aborted Babies
cells we now have human DNA in fessor emeritus Dr. Stanley Plot- On the 20th Anniversary of Roe v.
our vaccines and our drugs.”5 kin, lead developer of the Rubella Wade in 1993, President Bill Clinton
vaccine for the Wistar Institute in signed five abortion-related mem-
The problem is three-fold: the 1960s, was deposed as an expert oranda, one of which reversed the
witness on Vaccinology in a Michi- George H. W. Bush-era moratorium
96 | we tell the true afrikan story