Page 91 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 15
P. 91
tired of using GMO products that,
on top of poisoning and weakening
us, are not delivering on promises
of higher yields. We need to use our
communal, indigenous knowledge
from across Afrika to reforest areas,
clean waterways, cleanse the air,
heal the soil and diversify our seeds
across the continent and we need
to do this as a matter of urgency.
That’s a third goal that can unites us
across the continent.
If we throw in Afrikan manufac-
turing and free movement and
settlement of people (Afrikans and
those in the diaspora) across the
continent, we will not only diversify
leverage with- our food, we will diversify our ideas,
the in it, to secure posts that they use cultures and solutions. We will create
continental and international for their own unilateral gain. It is the seedbed for the propagation of
level. Or what did you think your selfish, but it has demonstrated other healthy ideas amongst us and
cushy job at the United Nations that Afrikan countries can cough we will live out lives so potent that
or World Bank or World Health up the funds that the AU needs to we will have created a table that the
Organization was for dear Afrikan run itself, independently of external world will be begging our permis-
friends? It’s because you are now influence. For some reason, they sion to sit at.
a mole in the system who can turn don’t give the AU the cash it needs.
one massive evil into a beautiful If it is that they believe the AU is The solutions for Afrika are not
thing. a body that cannot represent our complicated. Clean food, air and
needs, then they need to put that water, safe shelter, mutual love and
From conversations with people at money behind what can. We need respect – away from the limiting
the African Union, I learnt enough Afrikans of good will and deep mindsets of the colonial borders
to know that they are fed up of hav- pockets, and governments who and the false scarcity deception of
ing to run to foreigners for money are committed to be able to create the neo-colonial imperialist west
and resources to be able to carry out the necessary impetus for projects and east. Simple. To my mind, these
their projects. They know they are across Afrika that will bring genuine are issues that would so galvanize
just lackeys for these foreigners to and lasting change – with or without the people of Afrika towards a
push policy onto Afrikan ministers the African Union and definitely common goal and purpose that we
and heads of state and government, without pushing for any selfish wouldn’t even have need for another
but they feel hard pressed because agendas in the process. That’s a workshop or conference, because
they don’t have the autonomy that second goal that can unite us across the move would drive itself. These
Afrikan financing would give them. the continent. are issues worth putting out in the
media constantly and worth seed-
Gadaffi was able to provide them From interactions with Afrikans ing into our education, movies and
with some breathing space to roll across the continent, it is evident books. This, for me, would be the
out more authentically Afrikan that they are aware that the food beginning of an Afrikan renaissance
programs, because he doled out that they are growing and the way that we would be proud of and
cash and opened doors, even while they are growing it is killing us enjoy.
pushing for his own agendas within gradually. We also know that our
the organization. Just like it is an food is not as biodiverse as it used
open fact that the Afrikan govern- to be, nor our soils as healthy. We
ments that contribute the most to also know that enough people are
the organization, push for greater