Page 88 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 15
P. 88
Chioma Phillips
made a comment on some- Pilling asks on Climate change, how featist, collaboratist perspectives that
one’s post on social media is the world “really” engaging with tend to leave Afrika exactly where
that earned me ‘a profile African countries that must catch up she is – stuck and seemingly inept
I inspection’ but no response on Development? Grin and bear it? at solving her own problems, totally
by the author. I suspect that it is What do you think?” This post was dependent on permission from oth-
because my comment ran somewhat in reference to an article by David ers to take a step, or a breath:
contrary to what the ‘acceptable’ Pilling titled, “Has Africa been (Reply) “Love this. Climate change
conversation is concerning certain cropped out of the climate change is such an important agenda, every-
globalist viewpoints. debate?” one has to engage !!”
(Reply) “What would we say? Most
The author said, “Recently I wrote Other responses were more along countries will do what suits them. It
about Africa not having a sufficient the lines of the kind of talk-talk you is little different to sharing vac-
voice in the Energy Transition “dis- find in Afrikan and international cines.” (This one became a conver-
cussion”. Financial Times @David workshops and conferences – de- sation between them)
88 | we tell the true afrikan story