Page 84 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 15
P. 84

Art & Culture

          Seven Guidelines


          By John Kuada  and Madei Mangori

                      ost economists agree   their learning experiences in the   ented  - i.e. do not be satisfied with
                      that if current and    process. We have presented results   barely making a living
                      prospective entrepre-  of our conversations with them in a   3.   They must make efficient
          Mneurs in Africa gain              book entitled How to succeed as an   and effective use of your resources
          insight into how the exceptionally   Entrepreneur in Africa - A Practical   4.   They must find trustworthy
          performing African business owners   Guide and Cases (London: Adonis   business partners
          manage their businesses, they will   & Abbey Publishing Ltd, 2021). The   5.   They must engage in fast
          greatly enhance their own chances   following seven guidelines summa-  and lifetime learning and motivate
          of being successful.               rize the collective wisdom that the   their workers to do the same
                                             entrepreneurs have shared with us:  6.    They must improve the
          With this understanding, we inter-  1.    African entrepreneurs must   management of their finances
          viewed a selected number of highly   have a higher vision and goal for   7.   They must mindful of
          successful entrepreneurs in Botswa-  their businesses. That is they must   possible predatory influences of the
          na, Ghana and Zimbabwe, encour-    make profits for a purpose – e.g.   extended family members
          aging each of them to tell “their   help to lift others in their communi-  We provide a plain language expla-
          stories’’ of how they have built   ties out of poverty.               nation of the seven guidelines in
          their businesses, and to describe   2.    They must be growth-ori-    this article.

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