Page 79 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 15
P. 79
Art & Culture
takes me through nature. My eye Apartheid era? How did they forget
on Maasai Mara and Serengeti has so early? What a Paradox! Out of
a call to every son and daughter this tragedy, I still believe Africa can
of this continent, the legendary heal itself, only if ordinary citizens
wildebeest migration from Serengeti will be treated with due respect and
to Maasai Mara, and vice versa, gives given the central role in production.
a grounding sense of brotherhood I stretch the wings of my thoughts
and unity among Africans. The mil- to the World‘s land of Ancient civi-
lion wildebeest have never chosen lization, Egypt! I dwell my heart on
to move to Europe or America in the pyramid’s smooth, angled sides
pursuit of greener pastures, but to a that symbolize the rays of the sun
NORBERT neighboring country and back. where my soul will ascend to heaven
and join the gods, particularly the
MPOROTO Open your eyes and see! That is sun god Ra. The histories have it
to say, African problems must be
all unless we are not committed to
solved by Africans. Africa can heal learn from it. The question of civi-
Poet and Author from Tanzania. itself; if the wildebeest scenario lization once began in Africa to the
Instagram: @norbert_mporoto does not fit, then the southern side rest of the World. You can not put
Facebook: Norbert Mporoto of Africa has an alternative! The aside Egypt if you are to talk about
smoke that thunders (Mosi-oa-Tun- civilization. Decades to centuries
ya) is speaking in turbulence at the Egypt is still a Civilization Mec-
Zambezi River, for it has united our ca where people come and learn,
Zambian and Zimbabwean brothers something which Africans should
to satiate their bellies. As the wheel and sisters through Victoria Falls, be proud of, before we get attached
of progress revolves, Africa is still yet the rest of Africa learns nothing to the new civilization. Why is the
punching below her weight. from such a beautiful sight of unity. question of religion and civilization
What a paradox! bothering Africans? Don’t we see
Corruption has become an inher- the way forward from history? I be-
ent character for every individual Crack of dawn to dusk, I spent lieve Africa can heal itself, if history
who drops into office. For decades hours on the Table Mountain over- will be taught for the benefit of her
now, we have proven to be the core looking the city of Cape Town and people.
authors of our own misfortune, and the entire parts of South Africa.
this reminds me of an African prov- Pages after page I read the book I once questioned my intellect,
erb which says; “a thorn with which by Nelson Mandela, Long Walk to of what use is Africa’s freedom,
you prick yourself (on your own Freedom. My eyes stuck on a verse if her people are not free from
accord) does not hurt”, which is to “A nation should not be judged by ignorance? In deep thought I was.
say nobody would feel sorry for us, how it treats its highest citizens, but Suddenly the African Renaissance
for we have invited troubles to dine its lowest”. As I hike from Devil’s Monument, telling the rebirth of
with us. Out of this tragedy, Africa Peak to Lion’s Head, I hear the cries Africa, knocked my head with the
can heal itself only if patriotism of ordinary citizens of South Africa sad reality that people have forgot-
will be taught to break the chains of as they are tired of xenophobic ten its presence. Independence days
mental slavery. killings, as they worry about crime, in Africa must communicate the
segregation and severe poverty. Why meaning of the African Renaissance
Incomprehensible leadership has are ordinary folks treated like trash? Monument, the triumph of African
geared chaos and civil wars ongoing liberation from centuries of igno-
in Africa. Sad to say, our leaders Should Solomon Kalushi Mahlangu rance, intolerance and racism to let
are blind-folded, hitherto seeking rise from heaven and teach leaders her people embrace the score cards
alternatives and quick solutions of the day to continue with the of independence. Ignorance has
from outside, not knowing they struggle? Should he remind them become a weapon that kills African
forcefully invite our rivals to take all the worse history and pain en- sons, a simple clarification by Carter
they need from us. While standing dured by Steve Bantu Biko, Robert G. Woodson in The Mis-Education
here, the beauty of this continent Mangaliso Sobukwe, Chris Hani of the Negro.
and Sir Albert Luthuli during the What is the use of this kind of