Page 75 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 15
P. 75


                                                                                tattoos on their foreheads and then
                                                                                plan to say no, they will be disap-
                                                                                pointed big time. For what if the
                                                                                vaccines you received for Covid-19
                                                                                already contained the mark or the
                                                                                DNA of the beast which is not the
                                                                                same thing as 666? Think about it.

                                                                                Be aware
                                                                                There is already rumor in the media
                                                                                that a global cyber attack is under-
                                                                                way, which will affect the global
                                                                                internet service. Do pay attention.

                                                                                You are not alone
                                                                                I did not write this article to in any
                                                                                way glorify the workings of Satan
          down by sorcery, will come forth   order and all the sectors/systems   and of his associates: the woman
          those who have not been overtak-   that it contains and when you turn   who sits upon the waters and the
          en by the corruption of this world   it back on, you have the new world   beast, but to clear a few things for
          and the deceitfulness of riches of   order. Meaning that, for example,   the many or the few who may read
          Babylon.                           if the internet is turned off to put   this article.
                                             an end to the old world order, when
          Let him who has wisdom under-      the internet is turned back on to   There are three major layers of
          stand. For as it was told to Daniel in   usher in the new world order, for   world events that must still happen
          Daniel 12:10, “Many shall be purified,   anyone to log into their bank ac-  before the Christ will come:
          made white, and refined, but the wicked   count, they must log in using one of   •The destruction of Babylon, which
          shall do wickedly; and none of  the wicked   the brand marks of the beast, which   is the old-world order
          shall understand, but the wise shall under-  is either his name, his mark or his   •The introduction of the beast who
          stand.”                            number.                            is the ruler of the new world order
                                                                                •The coming of the Christ who will
          The one hour of  global shutdown   If this sounds too far-fetched,    judge and also destroy the beast and
          Revelation 18 speaks of how the    then ask yourself why every search   Satan who is also called the Dragon.
          great city, Babylon, was destroyed   engine you use on the internet,   See Revelation 18, 19 and 20 for
          in one hour. There must be varied   through the cookies technology,   context.
          interpretations to this event but here   gets your personal data, geo-tags
          is what I think.                   your location, monitors everything   Mind you, as there is a mark of the
                                             you do from how much you spend     beast, the name of the beast and the
          It was not a mistake how meticulous   with your credit card every day,   number of the beast, so also there
          the globalists were in making sure   where you travel to, not to talk of   is the mark of God, and the name
          the entire system of the world and   the nano-technology in the vaccines   of God, which He Himself will give
          all the sectors in it are all connect-  that allows strangers to access data   to His people. See Revelation 7:3,
          ed in a central place - the internet.   of things going on in your body like   Revelation 3:12, Rev 14:1.
          Health systems, defense systems,   your heartbeat, sleep, menstruation   Therefore, it is in your power to
          banking systems, school systems,   cycles etc. We are not living in nor-  choose whose mark of identity you
          business systems etc., all are con-  mal times.                       will carry. And also remember that
          nected and this all which makes                                       no temptation that comes to you in
          up the old-world order. Now, if    Take note that the mark of the     this day and age is unique to you.
          you want to introduce a new world   beast is not 666. 666 is his number.
          system, which is not in the hands of   Meaning that for those who are ex-  You are not alone.
          those who currently control it, how   pecting to hear the government of
          would you do it? Just turn off the   the world say it’s time to receive 666
          internet that housed the old-world   as the mark of the beast or some

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