Page 76 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 15
P. 76
Cover Story
Samuel Phillips
ope is not just a positive Hope is one indispensable factor in all that there is to give but with no
mental attitude one has life that seems to be gradually fading corresponding returns for the efforts
towards the future. It’s away, especially with all the issues go- made, the next possible thing to do
Hdefinitely beyond that. ing on in our world. The rate of sui- is either to keep going and trusting
cides we have been witnessing in the that all will be well, or just hang up
Hope is that grounding on the inside, recent past, which have been largely all hope and give up.
when there is a deep realization that due to depression, is quite alarming.
one’s life has a deeper meaning in the But if you ask me, giving up is really
Creator than whatever it may be that In it’s simplest form and personal- boring. So we keep going.
one is facing in the moment. ly, I think most cases of suicide are
Hope is always connected to that tied to the inability of the victims to For every issue of this magazine, I
which has been completed in God, see anything worth living for in the always pray to be guided in know-
from which one’s destiny takes its present and thus, the future. In oth- ing which country we are featuring
foundation and also that which is to er words, when there is no hope for and what the word for that country
come and for which one takes a stand anything good or worth living for will be. As it has been in many cas-
to keep going. Hope is supposed to in the future, when the eyes can no es, I woke up one morning with this
be trans-generational, because it is longer see, because the system and statement about Djibouti. It said,
that knowing on the inside that keeps the environment around a person is “Djibouti the land of hope and
the wheels of progress going. saying all is lost, when one has given strength”.
76 | we tell the true afrikan story