Page 73 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 15
P. 73
the one whom God said will be at
enmity with the seed of the woman.
God placed enmity between the
woman and the serpent and then
enmity between the seed of the
serpent (the beast) and the seed of
the woman (humankind). See Gen-
esis 3:5. Meaning that this beast of
Revelation 17 is the direct offspring
of Satan or the Dragon whom the
Bible calls the Serpent and deceiv-
er of old. He has been from the
very beginning of the fall of man,
appeared several times across the
ages on earth, especially as the spirit
behind Nimrod, the man who hunts
for the souls of men. pened in Revelation 18, where the vaccines in themselves, especially the
woman who sits upon the waters mRNA vaccines that have the ability
Global power of control also known as the great city, Babylon to alter the DNA (A person’s God
The destruction of the woman who was completely burnt in one hour signature or identity) are not already
sits upon the waters, who is also and the trade and commerce which the brand identities of the beast or
known as Mystery Babylon is cap- she stood for was also destroyed parts of it. I know there are those
tured in Revelation 17:12-13,15-17. and how the merchants of the world who are very ready to use science to
cried and wailed over her demise? talk away a deadly reality unfolding
But what does it mean in real life Saying that “‘Alas, alas, that great city in our world. I, however, would have
and in our day for the kings of the Babylon, that mighty city! For in one hour done my part in penning down these
world to give their authority to the your judgment has come” … and also warnings.
beast and for them to, by one will, this “‘Alas, alas, that great city, in which
destroy the woman? It’s possible all who had ships on the sea became rich Pay attention please!
there are other meanings, but here is by her wealth! For in one hour, she is made So as the angel warned John not to
what I think. desolate.’ See Revelation 18. marvel at or be carried away by the
riches and how amazing the wom-
The woman, as the symbol of the Now why did I bring this part of an looks with her purple and red
old-world order, which is controlled the story in? To try and see if I can clothes of false royalty, but went
by money and riches, especially the show you the deception going on ahead to speak about the beast and
money and riches that are physi- right now globally, and just maybe what it stands for, so am I trying to
cally tangible, must be removed in you can take a cue and go forward tell you something about the distrac-
order to bring in the new world with a bit of understanding of the tion that money, fame, worldly gains,
order, which does not use physi- world you live in. And how that the deception of riches, Covid-19,
cal money or the accumulation of Covid-19 as a lab-created disease is the false pandemic etc., block the
physical wealth. It’s definitely deeper a tool for introducing the vaccines, minds of the masses from knowing
than this, but have you noticed the which for me is like the last nail and understanding the days we are
recent global push for digital money, on the coffin of the world that is in and what each one really needs to
cryptocurrency that is not under the already almost dead with the intoxi- pay attention to.
direct control of anyone or even cation of the wine of abomination, For to marvel means to be attracted
government institutions, and then paving the way, through fear, for the by deep admiration for a thing or
the recent advert by the World Eco- introduction of the three identi- person. The danger of attraction is
nomic Forum which implies that ty brands of the beast (the name, that, when used for evil, it’s always
“you will own nothing and you will the number and the mark), which the first line of falling into a trap.
be happy”, even as we step deeper people will readily take because they For what cannot attract you cannot
into the end of this age? have been conditioned to think it’s distract you from your goals. It will
for their own good, but which it make sense here to say that the job
Does that bring to mind what hap- is not. I just want to hope that the of the woman who sits upon the