Page 68 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 15
P. 68


                                                                                ories into school books and school
                                                                                curricula, into movies, into novels,
                                                                                into politicians, into news media and
                                                                                so on; so that they can get every-
                                                                                body thinking and talking along the
                                                                                same lines. Either to become the
                                                                                people who are going to be the tools
                                                                                to run corporations that will achieve
                                                                                the end of the people who are actu-
                                                                                ally in charge, or to make sure that
                                                                                resources are spent a certain way,
                                                                                policy goes a certain way, or people
                                                                                don’t actually have the mindset to
                                                                                question the reality on the ground,
                                                                                and to ask the questions that must
                                                                                be asked: Why is Afrika the way
                                                                                that it is? Why do we think the way
                                                                                that we think? Why do we live the
                                                                                way that we live? Why do we corral
                                                                                ourselves into compounds or cliques
                                                                                and associations that all seem to
                                                                                conform to certain patterns?

                                                                                For the people who don’t stop to
            Watch the Conversation with Tet Kofi, Afrikan Jounalist in the UK   actually question and just kind of
                                                                                keep going, life seems to be just fine,
          to get some of the software that we   story; and why do you think it   a little challenging sometimes, but
          needed. Other people chipped in or,   needs changing?                 otherwise just fine. For those who
          you know, scraping together coins   The Afrikan story has been a bunch   take a moment to step back and
          from different projects. And we    of selected messages that have been   look at the bigger picture of what’s
          just got started with the magazine   curated over time by people who   going on, they quickly discover there
          because we needed to.              have a mindset that they want Afri-  is a problem. It’s like that movie,
                                             kans to conform to. That’s basically   The Matrix, something else, another
          The TV followed later, just last year   it, there’s no other way to put it. So,   reality is playing out that people are
          in 2020, around this time is when we   what has happened is that people,   not actively, consciously, deliberately
          began, because with the magazine   known or unknown, have made a      tapped into to be able to overcome,
          yes, we were making traction, we   decision about how Afrika should   and that’s the hugest problem; peo-
          were publishing every two months,   think and what Afrika should gradu-  ple are not even active participants
          but then we realized that there’s so   ally become, and in order to do that   in life on earth, they are just tools
          much more that needs to be said    they seed thoughts messages, mem-  and minions being used by some-
          even about the topics that we have                                    thing else working behind the scenes
          shared in the magazine and we were
          like, “How are we going to do this?”
          And, so, we created an audio-visu-
          al platform where we could share
          thoughts that we had, or interactions
          with the different brilliant minds
          that we kept coming across from
          time to time. And that’s how the
          journey began.

          What’s wrong with the Afrikan

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