Page 69 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 15
P. 69


                                             work together to tell accurate stories   for all voices who want to change
         Why is Afrika the way that it       about Afrika, together. It’s time for   the story of Afrika to begin to do

         is? Why do we think the way         us to stop agreeing with them when   so. It is possible, a mobile phone, a
        that we think? Why do we live        they say that we are weak, or wicked,   friend with a camera, people who
                                             or corrupt, or futile, or backward, or
                                                                                are willing to participate… that’s all
       the way that we live? Why do we       ignorant. That is absolutely unac-  it takes to change this narrative.
        corral ourselves into compounds      ceptable. We cannot agree with our   And, in addition, I call upon people
                                             accusers. There are those in our
                                                                                who make movies, especially our
        or cliques and associations that     midst who err, and who do not do   brothers and sisters in Nollywood.
         all seem to conform to certain      the right thing by us, we understand   You guys have an amazing platform,
                                                                                it’s the most massive movie indus-
                                             that and we will find ways in which
                    patterns?                to deal with them, but for us to pro-  try that we can know of, it’s the
                                             claim negativity over ourselves, over   most influential. Instead of twisting
          for their own agendas.             our communities, over our children;   narratives to be about the negative
                                             that is unacceptable.              aspects of society – and not just
          Is there a need for a Media                                           Nollywood, any other movie maker
          Alliance in Afrika that will help   This coronavirus thing actually is an   - make it about overcoming, make
          hasten the pace of  this change?   opportunity for every single Afrikan   it about victory, make it about the
          Yes, there is absolutely a need for   to come together to create positive   greatness of Afrika and Afrikans.
          a media alliance of Afrikans and   stories for their communities. It
          people who love Afrika to share    doesn’t even have to end up on You-  Take a leaf from what the Amer-
          positive, accurate messages about   Tube, you can have a video library   icans did with their propaganda
          the continent of Afrika, to share   where you air your movies for the   movies that they have fed us for
          the truth about what the challenges   local community under the moonlit   generations. And if you have not
          are and what to do about them. To   sky; the way that it used to be done   noticed, China is doing it now. Their
          share the intricacies and the mys-  and still is in some parts of Afri-  own movie industry is always show-
          teries that are going on and playing   ka. You can create stories that are   casing the greatness and the finesse
          out in western societies and cultures   shared on YouTube or just shared   of the Chinese, the expertise of
          and eastern societies and cultures   in your family groups, but things   their engineers and their scientists,
          that have a direct impact on the   that actually articulate and showcase   how effective their policing is and
          welfare and the wellbeing on the   the positive sides of Afrikans in our   their spy networks and so on and so
          continent and the people of Afrika.   society today. It’s possible.   forth.
          There’s a need for voices from the   We can use our schools to share
          north, west, east and south of this   these stories with young people, so   It’s time for Afrika’s voice and
          continent, who care about Afrika’s   that they get inspired to know that   Afrika’s narrative to change and to
          destiny, to come together to tell peo-  Afrikans can achieve great things   celebrate the beauty and the bless-
          ple what’s going on.               and are achieving great things all   edness of the continent Afrika. Let’s
                                             over the world. So, yes, this is a call   go out and do that for each other
          The call for an Afrikan Media                                         and for ourselves, shall we?
          The time has come for any and ev-
          ery responsible Afrikan on this earth                      Watch Video Here
          to sound their voice in one way or
          another. Yes. You may not be com-
          fortable in front of a microphone or
          in front of a camera, and that’s fine,
          but you might have the resources
          that are required by those who are
          comfortable, to be able to tell the
          stories. You might have the insights,
          you might have the intel, you might
          have come across data that is re-
          quired. The time has come for us to

           WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                         ISSUE 15 | SEPTEMBER 2021     69
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