Page 72 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 15
P. 72


          The wine of  fornication           made virus called Covid-19 and how   old world order) and global leaders
          Have you ever taken out time to sit   that, in some countries you cannot   up until now. And I deliberately
          and wonder why the entire world    go to the market, cinema, church,   used “up until now” to indicate
          and all the people in it seem to be   parties, or anywhere where there are   that she, even with her huge and
          going in one direction in regard to   more than a hundred people, with-  long term influence over the earth
          lifestyle, careers, mindset, choices,    out the vaccine certificate or proof   is not the main figure to be worried
          and at the same pace in the chase   that you are Covid-19 negative? In   about, even as we enter into the last
          for money, glory, fame, popularity,   fact, in Kenya, the authorities are al-  days proper. She is basically just the
          power, control etc.? Have you ever   ready saying that civil servants who   tool of distraction and the spirit of
          wondered why it seems that people   are not vaccinated will either lose   reveling in filth up until now for
          are very ready to do anything, even   their jobs or get pay cuts.     those who have not been paying
          to the point of selling their souls to                                attention to Spirit. She has been rid-
          demons, selling their ancestral lands,   Are you seeing that the language   ing on the power and authority of
          families etc. on the altar of exchange   they are using is already matching   the beast even while she did all her
          for money and the things money     what Revelation says about not     assignments in bringing humanity
          can buy? Have you ever wondered    buying and selling without the brand   into intoxication. This woman called
          why success and greatness in this   identities of the beast?          wickedness has controlled the minds
          world is measured by how much you                                     and hearts of many, for ages, using
          have in your bank account and how   Are you also wondering why that   her powers of distraction, persua-
          expensive your cars and the hotels   the moment the church of God     sion, desire, awe and manipulation
          you visit are?                     embraced the doctrine and the      of human realities. See what John
                                             teaching of prosperity, it started   was told when he marveled at the
          Have you ever wondered why it’s    losing its influence in Spiritual   beauty and grandiose of this woman
          easy for the world’s pharmaceuti-  things of the earth? Are you paying   who is called Babylon.
          cals to turn medicine, or the health   attention to the fact that, even you
          sector, into a multi-billion-dollar   reading this article now, your choices   And when I saw her, I marveled with
          market, without blinking an eye of   and decisions for some time now   great amazement.
          remorse for the thousands - if not   have not really been yours, but were   But the angel said to me, “Why did you
          the millions - of people that are   influenced by global trends, social   marvel? I will tell you the mystery of  the
          dying globally from poisonous drugs   media influencers and the thoughts   woman and of  the beast that carries her,
          that these big pharma make and     of those you look up to as mentors   which has the seven heads and the ten
          push as solutions to ailments?     etc.?                              horns. The beast that you saw was, and is
                                                                                not, and will ascend out of  the bottomless
          Have you ever wondered why there   Here is the thing you need to con-  pit and go to perdition. And those who
          is much push to silence anyone     sider very carefully and very fast:   dwell on the earth will marvel, whose
          with a different opinion on global                                    names are not written in the Book of  Life
          matters, especially in regards to the   The woman called Wickedness   from the foundation of  the world, when
          health and food sector? Have you   The woman that sits upon the       they see the beast that was, and is not, and
          ever wondered why the entire story   waters, which scripture calls Mystery   yet is. Revelation 17:6-9
          of the end time, according to the   Babylon, the Mother of Harlots
          Bible, is about commerce, buying,   and Abominations of the earth,    If you read beyond verse 9, you will
          selling and the other unseen ex-   whose cup of wine of fornication   notice that the angel never both-
          changes that are involved? To the   and abomination has intoxicated the   ered to continue talking about the
          point where he who does not carry   entire world, according to Revela-  woman, but started to explain the
          one of the brand identities of the   tion 17:1-2, is the same entity as the   mystery of the beast upon which
          beast, that is, his name, his mark and   woman in Zechariah 5:-5-11 whom   the woman sat and how the beast
          his number will not be able to buy   the angel called WICKEDNESS,     and those who are allied with him
          or sell?                           whose home, Shinar, is the very    will destroy the woman by fire and
                                             place where the foundation of the   nothing of her will remain. Here is
          Are you even paying attention to   tower of Babel or tower of confu-  what that means in our world:
          the fact that what was noted in the   sion was born in Genesis 11:2 and
          scriptures is already happening, with   whose influence all through the ages   The beast as an entity has been
          this false pandemic created by a lab-  has controlled the entire world (the   from the days of the fall of man as

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