Page 74 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 15
P. 74
waters, that is, the old-world order 1. North America woman who sits upon the waters,
of gold and riches is almost done 2. Western Europe by the power of sorcery, which uses
and the new world order, that is, the 3. Japan money, fornication, fame, gold etc.
ungodly rule of the beast will begin 4. Australia, South Africa, and the There has been a deliberate push
shortly. The woman has done her rest of the market economy of over the ages to prepare the nations
job of intoxicating the entire world the developed world. and kingdoms of the earth for these
with her sorcery, whoredom and a 5. Eastern Europe, including moments in time, in which no one
deep distraction from that which is Russia will be able to buy or sell without
meant for their good. 6. Latin America the identity of the beast.
7. North Africa and the Middle
The ten super-nations East What about the church?
I recently heard on a TV show 8. Tropical Africa As I write this part of this article,
someone asking why it seems that 9. South and Southeast Asia on the side I was also having a chat
the entire world government and 10. China with my wife. We were talking about
leaders, concerning the false pan- the very things going on globally. I
demic, are saying the same things. If you take a critical look, you will told her a few things about how that
He asked in a very concerned see that the above list of nations is its only possible for the world to be
manner about who really controls practically the entire world merged going in one direction because there
the narrative and why there is no into ten nations for the control of is a global script that is creating the
government doing a different thing the beast. And from all we can see drama. And that script, though in
in regard to the pandemic and the and hear each day in the media, a sense, is written by God Himself,
vaccinations. I think it’s quite simple and from the way all nations of is however handed down by Satan
and it’s what I have been trying to the world are following the same to the sons of evil in the various
talk about. They all, by the intoxica- script, if you are paying attention, cults they belong to e.g., Freema-
tion of the wine of the woman who you will know that when scripture sons, Illuminati etc. And that it’s
sits upon the waters, have given their says “The ten horns which you saw are not really that these guys have the
authorities as the ten kingdoms, to ten kings who have received no kingdom as brain power and abilities to see fifty
the beast. And whoever goes against yet, but they receive authority for one hour years into the future and plan things
that which they plan to do is quickly as kings with the beast. These are of one accurately the way we see things
killed. Take for example the death mind, and they will give their power and turn out, but that the blue prints of
of the Haiti President, the Presi- authority to the beast”, it’s actually the the future are given to them by the
dent of Tanzania, the President of pattern of global surrender of will same Satan. She asked me why it is
Burundi and you will see a pattern that is happening right now with this that the church is so blind to what
in what they all stood for. They all Covid-19 thing and how there seems is going on and are even telling their
stood against the vaccination of to a global script playing out. For members to get vaccinated instead
their people for Covid-19. how can the entire governments of of teaching them how to escape
the whole world agree to do exactly the corruption that is happening?
Meaning that through aid, debt, the same thing in their countries? My answer was simple. The present
assassination, violence, insurgencies, Think about it. Meaning that, it’s church in its current state, is also
the leaders of the world have all time we all stop marveling at what drunk and intoxicated by the very
been herded into a global alliance the globalists are doing and start wine of abomination that the wom-
that fits the reality of the ten horns to understand that there is nothing an who sits upon the many waters
on the head of the beast. The ten that is going on right now that was have given to the entire world. The
kingdoms here symbolize the ten not written of in scriptures and by church made the greatest mistake in
super-nations that the globalists the understanding that the Spirit of thinking that the prosperity message
and allies of the beast are planning the Lord will give each one, we will they have embraced over the past
to put in place soon. It’s already learn to accurately navigate the days couple of decades was a blessing
underway. ahead. from God, not knowing that it is the
very cup with which she was made
According to an article on Cutting Having said that, do not fall for the to drink the wine of abomination.
Edge Ministries website (https:// lies of the world and the govern- But there is hope, in that, out of, the ten su- ments in it. They are all soaked in this very current church system that
per-nations consist of: the drunkenness of the wine of the has become so corrupt and dumbed
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