Page 71 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 15
P. 71


          to give their kingdom to the beast, until the   Jesus died for Afrikans. I think he   very same place will be where He
          words of  God are fulfilled.       was not just asking a question per   will draw all men to Himself. But
          Revelation 17:15-17                se, he actually was kind of making   what does this really mean? It means
          Then one of  the seven angels who had   a mockery that if Jesus died for   that the suffering of the present
          the seven bowls came and talked with me,   Afrikans, like churches are making   day Afrika is tied to the cross of
          saying to me, “Come, I will show you the   everyone believe, why then is Afrika   Yeshua, which was prophetically
          judgment of  the great harlot who sits on   the way it is? I am not trying to un-  carried by Simon, an Afrikan. And
          many waters, with whom the kings of    dermine his question or assume that   if you are paying attention to global
          the earth committed fornication, and the   his question is not valid and that’s   events, you will see that Afrika has
          inhabitants of  the earth were made drunk   because I too love to ask questions,   always been a place of refuge for
          with the wine of  her fornication.”   especially when it’s becoming clearer   all nations and will much more be a
          Revelation 17:1-2                  that there is a lot of brainwash-  place where people from all over the
                                             ing that has taken place in Afrika   world will come to for safety. For
                       e definitely are living   through the instrument of religion.   when they have destroyed their own
                       in very interesting   But, I want to give a quick insight   nations with the falsehood of de-
                       times and seasons     into what I believe is going on    velopment and technology, the only
          Won the earth, in                  concerning the suffering of Afrika   clean place to dwell in will be Afrika.
          which the effects of the sorcery of   in relation to whether Jesus died for   This is already happening.
          the woman who sits upon the wa-    Afrikans.
          ters, called Mystery Babylon, and the                                 You may be wondering how this
          intoxicating effects of her cancerous   Here is a prophetic indication of   is all connected to Moses, like the
          fornication with kings and men of   what I believe is happening to    subtitle indicated.
          the earth, through wealth and the   Afrika. Yeshua (Jesus) made a very
          accumulation of the same, is coming   prophetic statement in John 12:32-  There are seasons in the world
          to its peak and the world will not   33. It says “And I, if  I am lifted up   where a people, having been under a
          remain the same.                   from the earth, will draw all peoples to   certain oppression, will have a savior
                                             Myself.” This He said, signifying by what   arise among them to set them free.
          In this article, I will allow the scrip-  death He would die.         It happened with Moses and with
          tures themselves to point out the                                     Jesus. But something of significance
          days that we are in. That way, those   The Bible recorded how Yeshua   also happened when each of these
          who say the scriptures are fake, or   died on the cross and the other   two saviors showed up. That is, the
          that there is no God, will at least   things attached to it. But here are   death of male children who are two
          know that there is nothing that is   two things that happened when He   years old and below. Are you seeing
          going on globally that was not cap-  died and how He died and both    the newest attacks on children (both
          tured in the words of the scriptures   relate to Afrika. The Bible says that   male and female) by the globalists
          somehow, whether they understand   while Yeshua was taking His cross   in the name of trying to prevent
          it as such or not, and by that, no one   to the hill of execution, the sol-  the spread of Covid-19? It’s an
          is excused about how they respond   diers compelled a man name Simon   indication of the season we are in,
          to what is here and also what is   to carry His cross for Him. This   in which saviors shall arise from all
          coming.                            Simon is from a place called Cyrene   over the earth to save mankind from
                                             in Libya and thus, an Afrikan. See   total destruction. Afrika is home to
          Like the days of  Moses and Jesus  Matthew 27:32. Also, we see some-  such numbers of saviors who, hav-
          We have somehow tried not to cre-  thing very profound in Revelation   ing borne on her back the pain of
          ate any religious undertones for this   11 which states that Yeshua was   the cross, must now arise as savior
          magazine or to Christianize it, but   killed in the spiritual Egypt, which   for those that must be saved.
          the truth is, there are some spiritual   is also Afrika. Putting all these
          things you cannot explain to a world   together, you have something like,   So, Yeshua did died for Afrika, but
          that has been dumbed down by the   He was killed in spiritual Afrika, His   more so, Afrikans themselves having
          pursuit of irrelevant things, without   cross was carried by an Afrikan, and   carried on their backs the instru-
          using quotes or prophetic realities in   because His instrument of lifting,   ment of death are now prophetically
          the Bible or other spiritual books.   which is His cross, was carried by an   mandated to once again be the cra-
          I recently saw a post on Facebook   Afrikan and because the very place   dle of life for all of humanity.
          and the writer was kind of asking if   He was lifted up was Afrika, the

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