Page 85 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 15
P. 85


          Making Profits for a Purpose       At the same time, they are realistic   is difficult for African business peo-
          One of the dominant characteristics   and grounded in their family values.   ple to enter into long-term relation-
          of all the business owners we inter-  They informed us about how im-  ships. They also find it difficult to
          viewed is their unyielding optimism.   portant it is for them to assess their   enter into credit arrangements with
          They believe that the African busi-  personal capabilities before plunging   one another when doing business.
          ness environment provides many     into business. They also underscore   People simply do not trust one an-
          opportunities, but also challenges.   the importance of making realistic   other. The lack of trust imposes ad-
          To them, success depends on the    assessments of the demands that    ditional costs on businesses, includ-
          ability to see the opportunities and   the entrepreneurial life will make   ing shortages of critical inputs and
          the courage to face the challenges   on their families and the usefulness   non-delivery of goods to customers.
          within the operational environment.   of cultivating the support of the   African business owners, therefore,
          Remarkably, they do not base their   family in business endeavors. These   generally see the contract enforce-
          entrepreneurial intentions on pure   assessments help entrepreneurs to   ment challenges as normal risks of
          economistic self-interest – i.e. mak-  keep their business perspectives in   doing business. Research has also
          ing a lot of money for the sake of   sharper focus and guide them as to   demonstrated that, when business
          being rich. Rather, they are guided   what they need to do from the onset   owners understand and appreciate
          by a self-transcendence motive that   in order to succeed.            one another’s viewpoints, they are
          enjoins them to make profits for                                      able to arrive at working consensus
          a purpose. They see their business   Using Resources Efficiently      and manage their relationships more
          goals as linked to a desire to create   and Effectively               effectively. The trust they build re-
          value and make life meaningful for   They are aware that they must be   duces the amount of resources that
          themselves and other Africans. With   both efficient and effective in their   they spend on monitoring activities
          such a focus, they are able to devel-  business decisions and practices.   of one another. This, therefore,
          op an inner motivation and tenacity   Efficiency here refers to doing   reduces the cost of operations and
          to weather the storms of building   things in a right manner – obtaining   enhances business performance.
          viable businesses and designing    maximum output with minimum        The high performing entrepreneurs
          winning strategies.                resources. Effectiveness relates to   in our study are keenly aware of this
                                             the vision and mission that entrepre-  challenge. They have developed the
          Being growth and action-ori-       neurs have for their businesses, i.e.   capability of identifying trustworthy
          ented                              what kind of outcome they desire   partners. In situations where trust
          They describe themselves more as   from their business efforts, based on   seems weak, they have been able
          “doers” rather than “dreamers”.    their values and beliefs. This means   to nurture this trust by being more
          They are action-oriented people;   they must demonstrate excellence   accepting and supportive of their
          they want to start producing results   in their operational performance   partners, thereby encouraging them
          immediately. The number or severity   as well as strategic management   to reciprocate their trust. However,
          of the problems they encounter     decisions. Their decisions usually   they are aware that trust is a risky
          do not intimidate them. In fact,   result in having operational costs   proposition and, therefore, not
          their self-confidence and general   under control. In addition to this,   appropriate in all situations. Their
          optimism seem to translate into a   they ensure that their employees are   experiences have taught them that
          view that nothing is impossible in   well aware of the tasks they have to   there are times when it is inadvisable
          business – goals may sometimes     perform and are willing to do their   to show high levels of openness and
          just take a little longer to achieve.   utmost to complete the tasks in a   share resources or let down one’s
          They tend to work with a stubborn   timely manner. This means most of   guard.
          tenacity to solve difficult problems.   their employees show high levels of
          Unlike most people, these entrepre-  commitment and morale, and the   Engaging in Lifetime Learn-
          neurs do not allow themselves to be   long-term goals and vision of the   ing and Motivating Employees
          concerned with failure. They do not   businesses become a source of in-  It is often said that significant
          think so much about what they are   spiration and energy for their work.  challenges or problems in the lives
          going to do if they do not make it.                                   of entrepreneurs trigger transforma-
          They rather focus their thoughts and   Finding Trustworthy Business   tional or re-generative learning. Suc-
          energy on what they have to do to   Partners                          cessful African entrepreneurs face
          succeed.                           Studies of business relations in   many challenges and these provide
                                             many African countries show that it   them with useful learning situations,

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