Page 90 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 15
P. 90


          of them i.e., the detractors and the   just such a map had been presented   with each other, manufacture for
          ‘leaders’, when, where and how will   and he proceeded to put it up on   each other, help train and upskill
          Afrika ever have the opportunity   the screen. Then he presented the   each other, nation by nation, until
          to speak of her true state, let alone   demented rhetoric that I just shared   we have the requisite strength to be
          begin to live it out?              about how Afrika is a drain on the   a force to reckon with… based on
                                             world’s resources and if she wasn’t   unity, forged by love and brother-
          We can attend as many climate      there, the world would be much     hood. Create an Afrikan policy for
          change, poverty reduction, health   better off and be able to do much   Afrika that has clear guidelines also
          intervention, gender equality blah   more, with much more speed and   about how to deal with the world in
          blah blah blah you name it con-    efficiency. It’s kind of like a fami-  a way that creates advantage for us.
          ferences as we like, we can learn   ly that has a child who they think
          to speak the ‘NGO language’ as     has special needs and the thought   They will never let us do it
          much as we want, we can sign their   occurs to them, that they may    This is for the person or people
          agreements, and enact foolish, blind   quicky banish or choose to dwell on,   who just thought or said that to
          and mindless policies based on G8,   about what their lives would be like   themselves. My answer is, “It doesn’t
          G20, MDG, SDG, COP, AGOA,          if that child wasn’t there. Yes, it’s   matter what ‘they’ want, it matters
          EU this that or the other pacts…   that horrifying. Glad I caught your   what we think, say and do.” We must
          THEY WILL NEVER accept or          attention. There are people who    leave behind the treachery of the
          see Afrika as equals. We will remain   sit around and imagine the world   Sankara, Lumumba, Nkrumah days,
          pawns being used in a game whose   without 1.4 billion people in it and   the treachery behind the founding
          rules change to suit whichever     probably increase those figures to   of the OAU, the treachery of bi-lat-
          wicked puppet master is at the helm.   the 1.6 billion that encompass those   eral agreements that selfishly seek
          It doesn’t matter how many times   in the diaspora as well. Strange little   gain for solitary nations at the ex-
          we bend over backwards to please   world, eh? Can you imagine being   pense of the continent, and we must
          them. Tie yourself in knots if you   asked to imagine that you never   build our reality. The truth is that,
          want, you will still be the server at   existed or that your existence on   even the turncoats at the AU, AfDB
          the table.                         earth was insignificant, and at worst,   and AfCFTA levels know that true
                                             irrelevant? You need to know that   unity for Afrikans is possible and
          One gentleman, whose article we    there are people who think that way   that it is being hindered by external
          have featured in this issue, writes   and act on those thoughts.      forces. Even the turncoats at pres-
          about America’s foreign policy on                                     idential and prime ministerial level
          Ethiopia being amiss. He’s right, it   But this article is not about them.   know that selling out their nations is
          is. So are all the rest of the foreign   I have, for the past 9 years or so,   a temporary non-solution that will
          policies on Afrika. And the reason   been of the mind that Afrika needs   eventually see them get swallowed
          they are amiss is because of what I   to close all her external borders   up by a global unitary government
          have tried to explain already… and   and open her internal ones and sit   that will continue to keep Afrikans
          because Afrikan leaders have not yet   together as one unit to map a route   in subjugation to their will. They
          gathered to themselves the requisite   to continental success and cooper-  know that the positions they have
          self-dignity to be able to tell the rest   ation. That Afrika must cancel all   taken are not sustainable and that
          of the world to go jump in a lake   existing multilaterals, bilaterals and   the ultimate solution is a strong and
          because we, as Afrikans, will be tak-  any existing trade or other agree-  united Afrika. While they remain
          ing over our affairs from here on.  ments with any country outside    afraid to die for taking a stand – a
                                             Afrika, draw up a strategy for Af-  risk we know is very real and still at
          I have told this story before, some-  rikan success and begin to build it.   play even from recent events – they
          where, about how I sat in a meeting,   And, when that is ready and running   are aware of Afrika’s need. So, we
          befuddled at what I was witness-   with strength, turn to the world and   know that the ultimate goal that we
          ing. The guy who speaking, a Brit,   say, “Ok, we can talk now. On our   must push for is a strong and united
          invited us to ‘imagine for a while’ a   terms.” That’s my modern Afrikan   Afrika. That’s one goal that can
          scenario where Afrika did not exist.   utopia. And most seriously we need   unite us across the continent and
          Just for a little while, he said, not   to do it. Find each other’s strengths   within the diaspora, and it is a goal
          that he supports the notion. If I re-  as nations and work together to   worth pushing for, using every overt
          member correctly, I think he had at-  enhance those, even while building   or clandestine means at our disposal
          tended a meeting somewhere where   up the areas that are weaker. Trade   to manipulate policies and laws on

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