Page 94 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 15
P. 94
Products That Use
Aborted Fetuses
By HLI Staff | August 4, 2021
Article originally published in Human Life International:
D o some products con- “people as product” is a sophisticat- support life, you may unknowingly
be cooperating in aborted fetal cell
tain parts of aborted
ed enterprise that is not visible to
the human eye.
research by purchasing products
The short answer is: “Yes.” Perhaps you are a diligent supporter that use aborted babies either in the
product itself or in its development.
and promoter of pro-life legislation,
However, today’s consumer prod- only vote for pro-life candidates, Perhaps you take Enbrel (Amgen)
ucts are not the soap and lamp- and avoid entertainment produced to relieve your rheumatoid arthri-
shades of “recycled” Nazi concen- by musicians and actors who openly tis. Maybe someone you know was
tration camp victims that we see in support Planned Parenthood. How- prescribed Zoastavax, a shingles
museums. The new utilitarian use of ever, regardless of how strongly you vaccine, at an annual physical. It may
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