Page 97 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 15
P. 97
on creating new fetal tissue for re- partment of Health and Human
search. Clinton claimed, “This mor- Services (HHS) granted a second
atorium has significantly hampered 90-day extension to a contract it has
the development of possible treat- with the University of California at
ments for individuals afflicted with San Francisco that requires UCSF
serious diseases and disorders, such to make “humanized mice” for
as Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s ongoing AIDS research. The human
disease, diabetes and leukemia.” fetal tissue comes from late-term
In 2006, there was a major debate abortions.
among bioethicists as to whether or
not the United States would allow CNSNews reported, “according to
the use of new lines of aborted an estimate it has published on its
fetal stem cells in research. The website, the National Institutes of
medical research community had Health (which is a division of HHS)
already decided that the future lay will spend $95 million this fiscal
with human-animal hybrids and new year alone on research that — like
aborted fetal cell lines. UCSF’s “humanized mouse” con-
tract — uses human fetal tissue.”
According to a statement submitted
to the President’s Bioethics Council: Read about how the Trump admin-
istration limited the sale of fetal
Aborted human DNA in our parts.
vaccines is not the end, it is only
the beginning, as the creation of Conclusion
human-animal hybrids demon- The Bible tells us that “the love of
strates. A new aborted fetal cell line money is the root of all evil” (1 Tim
has been developed, called PerC6, 6:10). Nowhere is this more evident
and licenses have been taken by over as in the example of the growing in-
50 partners, including the NIH and dustry involving the use of aborted
the Walter Reed Army Institute, to unborn children. Research and de-
use this cell line for new vaccine and velopment continues into products
biologics production. The goal of ranging from various cosmetics to
the company that created the PerC6 cures for various diseases (none of
is to become the production cell which have borne fruit). This grue-
line for ALL vaccines, therapeutics some trade in human bodies will
antibodies, biologic drugs and gene only continue until enough people
therapy. stand up and oppose it effectively.
In 2019, the United States De-