Page 100 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 15
P. 100


          Tree of life. Until the tree itself   So, the colonizer taught the Afrikan   unanimously agreed not to use the
          becomes barren.                    nation. ‘Simple and straightforward.’   two words ‘World’ and ‘Internation-
                                             Right???                           al.’ Better. More fitting names for
          Besides colonizing Afrika; there was                                  the two mammoth sized BW institu-
          no other better way for non-Afri-  Bearing in mind the fact that the   tions would have been; The non-Af-
          kan nations to satisfy their greed.   traumatizing legacy of slavery. The   rikan nations bank. The non-Afrikan
          Colonization provided guarantees   dehumanizing legacy of coloniza-   nations Monetary fund.
          for non-Afrikan nations. Juicy loot   tion, was still very fresh in Afrikan
          from Afrika would continue to flow   minds. Was still haunting Afrikan   What would be the reason to gen-
          out of Afrika. Not for the benefit   minds. The new philosophical brand   erally include Afrika where Afrika is
          of Afrikans. But for the benefit of   was pretty easy to promote. Suffice   specifically not included???
          greedy non-Afrikan states.         to mention that messed up Afri-
                                             kan minds did not materialize out   The World Bank and the IMF are
          Not only that. The gluttonous      of nothing. Did not materialize by   funded by non-Afrikan nations to
          non-Afrikan states wanted to       chance; either.                    serve the interests of non-Afrikan
          guarantee, among themselves, “fair”                                   nations. Fair enough there. Only
          distribution of plunder from Afrika.   Messed-up Afrikan minds surfaced   if ‘what belongs to Caesar’ would
          Colonization made sure that, in the   by design. Non-Afrikan nations   leave alone what belongs to Afrikan
          long term, the Afrikans would lose   systematically molded messed-up   nations. Without excuses. Hallelujah
          everything.                        Afrikan minds. By their choice. By   hosanna.
                                             their design. The colonizer knew
          True to the saying that goes. ‘Dis-  exactly what he was doing when he   But alas. The BW institutions clas-
          gusting minds chew over disgusting   voluntarily led Afrikans down this   sify Afrika as a continent winch is
          thoughts. Disgusting ideas.’ Abso-  route.                            different from the rest of the world.
          lutely.                                                               Quite correct there. But these insti-
                                             Engage fast-forward mode - 19th    tutions view that difference on the
          Out of the evil plan of non-Afrikan   century and beyond;             negative side of reality. A negative
          nations came the birth of healthy                                     side which grossly disadvantages
          babies. Fifty-four Afrikan colonies;   The German empire              Afrika. These institutions take the
          ‘proudly owned’ by nine out of the   Under Chancellor Bismarck the    view that Afrika is inferior when
          fourteen countries that attended the   Germans wasted no time in exploit-  compared to the part of the world
          Berlin conference.                 ing Afrikan colonies. The year was   that exists outside Afrika.
                                             1871 when Bismarck took up the
          Subliminal messaging               task of creating the German empire.   Afrika’s so-called inferiority com-
          With ‘prestigious’ colonies clearly   Accelerated building up of the   plex, as viewed by both BW institu-
          demarcated on the Afrikan conti-   German empire meant accelerated    tions, is so strong that the inferiority
          nent, the colonizer wasted zero time.   rough exploitation; cruel exploita-  complex is always made to reflect in
          Afrikans ‘needed’ to receive some   tion, by the Germans, of the wealth   the institutions’ policy for support-
          soft as wool brainwashing. A new   of other nations. Afrikans included.  ing developing nations.
          philosophy was ‘needed to help’ Af-
          rikans to accept Slavery and Coloni-  Bretton Woods institutions      At their leisure the BW institutions
          zation. Clever move by non-Afrikan   It was in July of 1944 when for-  make periodic assessments of Af-
          nations to re-brand existing Afrikan   ty-three non-Afrikan countries met   rikan countries. These assessments
          mentality.                         and formed the Bretton Woods       always award Afrikans ‘magnificent-
                                             Institutions -                     ly’ poor ratings. By design ‘Poor’
          The new frame of mind for Afri-    The World Bank                     Afrikan countries can qualify only
          kans, as decided by the colonizers,   The International Monetary fund.   for very high interest loans. Rates
          was deliberately made low key. So                                     so high that some countries end up
          that it would not arouse any suspi-  The forty-three countries that   paying loan repayments of up to a
          cions.                             turned up at Bretton Woods. If they   third of their GDP.
                                             had decided to remain truthful to   Based on the historical performance
          ‘Black skin color equals evil.     themselves. If they had chosen hon-  of the BW institutions. It certainly
          White skin color equals angels.’   esty over deceit. They would have   can be argued that the success of

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