Page 95 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 15
P. 95

Health & Healing

          be that your mother suffers from
          diabetes and renal failure and ob-
          tains relief from Arensep (Amgen).
          Perhaps your grandfather was ad-
          ministered the blood product Repro
          during an angioplasty. Many school
          districts require that your children
          receive the MMRII (the Merck
          Measles-Mumps-Rubella vaccine).
          Your children might enjoy using
          coffee creamers and eat soup with
          artificial flavor enhancers (Senomyx
          and Firmenich) tested on artificial
          taste buds engineered from aborted
          fetal cells.
          Because of the complexities of     flavor receptors engineered from
          Food and Drug Administration       human embryonic kidney cells       In a 2012 letter to Children of God
                                                                                for Life, PepsiCo stated that “Se-
                                             (HEK-293, a fetal kidney cell line
          (FDA) labeling, you would probably   popular in pharmaceutical re-    nomyx does not use HEK cells or
          not know that these products use   search).1 These artificial taste buds   any other tissues or cell lines derived
          aborted fetal parts unless someone
          informed you.                      can tell developers which products   from human embryos or babies for
                                             are desirable to the public. Their   research performed on behalf of
                                             goal is to produce low-sugar and   PepsiCo.” However, the corporation
          Fortunately, we have such a watch-  low-sodium products that taste    is now working with Senomyx on
          dog group — Children of God for    sweet or salty while actually using   two products developed with Sweet-
          Life (COG), a pro-life public citizen
          group which tracks the use of      less sugar or sodium in the product.  myx 617, a new Senomyx sweet taste
          aborted fetal parts. Debi Vinnedge   Does your Nestle Coffee-mate     modifier.
          is COG’s Executive Director, and   Pumpkin Spice creamer taste more
          the group publishes a frequently   like autumn? Does your Maggi       Cosmetics
          updated downloadable list of prod-                                    The fountain of youth appears to
          ucts that use aborted babies in their   bouillon taste just like chicken?  be…babies.
          testing or production.
                                             Thank Senomyx.                     Commercially, it’s known as pro-
          Types of  Products That Use        The laboratory-created artificial   cessed skin proteins (PSP), devel-
          Aborted Babies                                                        oped at the University of Lausanne
          Products related to fetal material can   enhancers do not have to be tested   to heal burns and wounds by regen-
          be broken down into three catego-  at length by the FDA because the   erating traumatized skin. The fetal
                                             Senomyx chemical “flavor com-
          ries: artificial flavors, cosmetics, and   pounds are used in proportions less   skin cell line that PSPs are based on
          medicines/vaccines.                                                   was taken from an electively aborted
                                             than one part per million” and can   baby whose body was donated to
                                             be classified as artificial flavors.2  the University.
          Food and Drink
          Food and beverages do not contain   In 2005, Senomyx had contracts    Neocutis, a San Francisco-based
          any aborted fetal material but may   to develop products for Kraft    firm, uses PSP in some of their
          be tastier because of the nature of   Foods, Nestle, Campbell Soup and
          the research done in their develop-  Coca-Cola.3 However, pro-lifers   anti-aging skin products. Its website
          ment.                                                                 claims that the trademarked PSP
                                             boycotted PepsiCo when they        “harnesses the power of Human
                                             discovered that it was cooperating   Growth Factors, Interleukins and
          For example, the American biotech   with Senomyx to develop a reduced   other Cytokines, to help deliver
          company Senomyx has developed      sugar beverage. This boycott caused
          chemical additives that can en-    Kraft-Cadbury Adams LLC and        state-of-the-art skin revitalization.”
          hance flavor and smell. To do this,   Campbell Soup to cancel their con-  Vaccines and Medications
          they had to produce an army of     tracts with Senomyx.
          never-tiring taste testers — that is,                                 The Vaccine Chart of the Sound

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