Page 86 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 15
P. 86


          resulting not only in upgrading their   the company. Some of the entre-  exhibited and business opportu-
          managerial skills and capabilities,   preneurs have learnt this lesson in   nities went unnoticed because no
          but in also creating a process of   a painful manner when financial   one, apart from the entrepreneur,
          personal transformation. Many of   indiscipline nearly resulted in their   was seriously concerned with the
          the entrepreneurs we spoke with do   bankruptcy. All the entrepreneurs in   survival of the business. One of
          attend professional development    our study now keep their business   the entrepreneurs reflected on the
          conferences and seminars/work-     accounts separate from their person-  predicament this way:
          shops to improve their managerial   al accounts. They gave themselves   “We African entrepreneurs are in a
          capabilities and to network with   salaries as regular employees in the   perpetual debt of gratitude to those
          people with similar ambitions.  Oth-  company, and maintained modest   family members who have rendered
          ers read about high profile entrepre-  life style while their businesses were   services to us or supported us in
          neurs in other countries. Through   growing. This approach has enabled   one way or the other at any period
          these sources, they are able to learn   them to get financial support from   in our lives.  If your parents pay for
          from the success stories and pitfalls   banks and other financial institu-  your education, they expect you to
          of others.                         tions in order to grow their busi-  pay for your brothers and sisters.
                                             nesses.                            If they give you money to start a
          In addition to their personal devel-                                  business, they expect you to employ
          opment through lifelong learning,   Being mindful of  predatory influ-  the family.  The more prosperous
          the successful entrepreneurs are   ences of  the extended family      the family considers you to be, the
          aware that having a winning strategy   While the family remains a key   higher their expectations and the
          also entails managing employees    source of resources in Africa, family   stronger their disappointment if you
          well and choosing appropriate lead-  obligations can be predatory as well.   decide not to help”.
          ership style. To do this effectively,   That is, families can act as brakes on
          they endeavor to treat employees as   the growth of entrepreneurial activ-  Another entrepreneur commented
          if they were their customers. They   ities. The superior performance of   on the situation as follows:
          never use threats when dealing with   new entrepreneurs may therefore re-   “African family members partici-
          employees, since this will make    quire shifts in the ordering of family   pate with zeal in wealth consump-
          them displeased, uncommitted and   relations during the initial stages of   tion, but not with the same zeal in
          even turn them against the business.   the enterprise.  Studies have shown   wealth creation”
          Instead, they make them aware of   that as a major breadwinner in the   Many of the successful entrepre-
          the negative consequences of not   extended family, some of entrepre-  neurs who faced such situations
          getting the results they want in the   neurs have been under immense and   tended to think out-of-the-box to
          company and communicate their      persistent pressure to hire family   find solutions to them, sometimes
          expectations to them in positive   members even when there are no     even rejecting the presence of a box.
          and inspiring manner. Similarly, they   jobs for them. However, since the   They have been mindful of tension
          tend to put their customers at the   family members employed come     between the need to satisfy the
          centre of their decisions. They are   easily to the jobs and take their job   expectations of the extended family
          aware that it is because of custom-  security for granted, they scarcely   and the economic imperatives of
          ers that their businesses exist.  As   feel obliged to improve their skills   running a business. Many of them
          such, they view and treat their cus-  and do a good job. Non-family   have demonstrated inner strengths
          tomers as if they were members of   employees tend to adopt the same   and tact in navigating and negotiat-
          a royal family – i.e. as kings, queens,   attitude as the family members in   ing the conflicts they experience in
          princes and princesses.            the business. After all, why should   their endeavors. The book provides
                                             they work harder and go the extra   examples of the approaches they
          Improving the Management           mile if the family members do not   have adopted to address the prob-
          of  Company Finances               do so.                             lem.
          One other major weakness of small
          businesses in Africa is that their   This is again a lesson that some of   Lessons for Small Enterprise
          owners appear to lack financial    the entrepreneurs we spoke with    Development in Africa
          discipline. What makes businesses   have learnt the hard way. They ex-  Despite their achievements, several
          grow is not how much their owners   perienced that worker productivity   of the entrepreneurs have informed
          earn but how much of their earn-   in their businesses went down due   us that entrepreneurial success is
          ings they save and plough back into   to the attitude that family members   not a given, even after many years

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