Page 10 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 16
P. 10


          celebrity influencers, government
          policies etc., which are nothing but
          part of the game system which is
          laced with the intoxication of the
          wine of ignorance has clouded the
          minds of many and thus they only
          see what the immediate gratifica-
          tion of their desires are and not the
          overall long-term effects of their

          Maybe I am being over-sensitive
          about issues. But if I am, about the
          issue of “quick-meals” joints and            WATCH THIS VIDEO FOR GLOBAL UPDATES
          the effects of such lifestyles on the   makes us fear. We fear to question
          health and psyche of the peo-                                         these diseases are rising because of
          ple, then what about the issue of   things. We fear to tell ourselves   the issues of vaccines, drugs and
          vaccines and the rush to take them   the truth about the real state of   also the “modern” use of chemicals
                                             things, just so we don’t offend
          even without informed consent of   someone. We fear to say to the     in the production of food crops
          the potential after effects?                                          and even water for drinking.
                                             government that they are wrong
                                             in their approach to how they deal   If I am correct, I believe that one
          I have encountered a couple of
          people whose mindset about the     with our societies. We even fear to   of the core principles of science is
                                             be humans, so we have shifted our
          vaccine was something like“just take   “love and affection” to dogs. We   observation. Meaning that, just like
          it to protect yourself  now and then deal   now take pleasure is answering the   me, you don’t have to be a science
          with the effects later”. In my mind, I                                Prof to observe that there is a
          am like “are you very serious?”.   title “Dad” or “Mum” to dogs and   system that is running our world
          Imagine hearing such garbage from   pets and call our children brother   towards a wall or some abyss and
                                             or sister to dogs. How sick is our
          people that are supposed to be     world really?                      that it’s up to us to come out of it
          educated and who should know, by                                      before its too late.
          simple observation, that life is really
          not as simple as it appears. For   I recently made a comment on       Protect your family
          how can you say I should “protect”   a Facebook page of an Afrikan    Even if it’s difficult to save the en-
                                             brother from Zimbabwe whose
          myself from Covid-19 that is 99.9   articles we have featured severally in   tire world, which I really think is it,
          percent survivable, by taking a    this magazine. He was just making   you can at least save your immediate
          vaccine that contains materials from                                  family, or even extended family,
          aborted fetuses and which have the   an observation about the various   from the system of this world that
          ability to alter my DNA and turn   health issues that Afrikans are now   wants to swallow everyone. Pay
                                             facing, which were never part of
          me into some kind of minion in the   our lives some decades ago. My   closer attention to what is going on
          near future and without remedy?    comment to his post was something   around you. Observe with curiosity
          How does that even make sense                                         events that are happening around
          to anyone if it is not that there is   like “In the face of so many cases   you. Be concerned genuinely about
          a game system that makes people    of PCOS, Endometriosis and the     others and also ask genuine ques-
                                             many other fertility diseases affect-
          only see what they are programmed   ing, especially women of a certain   tions and see how you can be of
          to see and to keep believing in the   age bracket, could it be that some-  help to the many people out there
          very things that is killing them?                                     that need such help.
          That brings me to the other tool   where in the past there was some
          of global control and manipula-    kind of vaccine or drug that was   Our world is getting sicker by the
                                             administered to that particular age
          tion-FEAR.                                                            day and only the sanity of those
                                             bracket of women and which side    who have awoken out of the matrix
                                             effects is appearing as the fertility   of the game system by the grace of
          Fear: the master tool of  global   issues we now see.? His response af-
          control                            firmed my concern. He made men-    God, can help save our world.
          I think humans have come to the    tion that he also has been observing
          place in time where everything     the same thing and it’s possible that   Are you one of such?

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