Page 13 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 16
P. 13


          racy by themselves. How unjust is   and my Africa.
          history when the brute colonizers
          are granted the right to civilize the   Currently, the former colonizers are
          already oppressed by branding them   trying to intervene in the internal
          uncivilized. I wonder whether the   affairs of Ethiopia, a land they
          real brute and uncivilized is the one   failed to ever conquer. Nations who
          in bondage or the one who puts     committed historic crimes and who
          chains on sentient humans. Verily,   still deny it cannot be expected to
          it is barbaric to commit continental   have the moral righteousness to
          genocides, to ship precious humans   even speak of other nations. More-
          into slavery, to rape their women,   over, they never bothered when our
          lynch the men, and systematically   nation was squandered away for
          make them poor. As if this has not   about three decades by TPLF; but
          been enough, the very same coun-   now they want to intervene. In the
          tries are not on a mission to domi-  past, their ‘humanitarian aids’ have
          nate the world, or as they like us to   fostered dictatorships, because the
          believe, to democratize the world.   money was going into the pockets
          In the 21st century, former world-  of corrupt African leaders, whose
          class brutes and colonizers have   reign ended either by natural death
          made another strategic shift and   or revolution. To be clear, our
          labeled themselves liberal demo-   democracy is our own national
          crats. Sadly, liberalism only tolerates   experiment, to be nationally won
          the ‘white’ nations while illiberally   and fashioned. As to the foreign
          terrorizing the rest of the world.   interventionists in Ethiopia and
                                             Africa, the truth in James Baldwin’s
          The so-called western protectors of   statement still stands: “All of the
          democracy have dismantled histor-  Western nations have been caught
          ical nations by calling their foreign   in a lie, the lie of their pretended
          invasion a protection of democratic   humanism; this means that their
          rights. Just look at Libya to recog-  history has no moral justification,
          nize the truth behind my statement.   and that the West has no moral
          You will see how Westerners left   authority.”
          this historical nation in endless civil
          war by claiming to defend freedom   There is a lesson for Africans to
          of speech, women’s rights, and/    be learned from this cruel history.
          or human right. Is current Libya   The relentless efforts of former
          a place of humanity or, rather, an   colonizers and slavers to physically
          epicenter of humanitarian crisis? We   and mentally control Africa through
          can observe this tyranny of ‘democ-  economics and political manipula-
          racy’ from the puppeteer role of   tions is a testament to an undeniable
          France in Mali, when they directly   fact – Africa is a continent of abun-
          intervened and fought against the   dance, and they want it. Our true
          Tuareg people of Sahara, who have   independence can occur only after
          historically refused French colonial   we, Africans, realize our wealth in all
          attempts. The US and Westerners    spheres of life. Divide and conquer
          continually extended their hands   was the way of the colonizers, which
          to play this democracy card so as   Africans continue to accept for the
          to conquer the Middle East, erase   benefit of our oppressors. A united
          its rich culture, and control the oil.   Africa is bound to be powerful. We
          If this is what the vanguards of   must own and utilize our own land
          democracy aim for the rest of the   and resources for the benefit of
          world, I do not want them to inter-  Africans. The unity of Africans and
          vene in any affairs of my country   a united Africa is our only hope.

           WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                         ISSUE 16 | OCTOBER 2021      13
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