Page 8 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 16
P. 8
Samuel Phillipss
he more closely you look dark, multi-complex mental matrix but because of the things and real-
at this world that we live that sucks in people, either by their ties I could deduce from what I was
in right now, and the will or outside of their will, and seeing. It was like a script that in
Tmore you try to under- makes them minions whose minds less than two hours shed some light
stand the narrative that drives it dai- have be trained to say yes without on the dark world of the globalist
ly, the more you see the rot and the asking why. And if there is what agendas.
more reason why you, as a person, Covid-19 and the false pandemic
must choose to walk away from the has done, it has made sense of what In a nutshell, the movie was about
entire thing. the few “rebels” have been saying a group of teenagers who were
all these years about a global mind “tricked” into entering a game
It’s definitely true that we are living game and system that was created against their will. They were locked
in a looped game that never ends to put all men under control. into several very dangerous situa-
and in which there are no winners tions where they had to race against
among the global citizens. The glob- I recently watched a movie my wife a very limited time to find clues
al citizens are mostly like pawns in found online. To me, the movie around them in order to escape
a large game of chess. In this case, was not interesting because it was a being killed. Each time they found
however, the game is a very steep, great work of art, it really was not, the clues required for each situation
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