Page 9 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 16
P. 9
and made an escape, they found brings to mind some things about For the higher you go in the game,
themselves in another level of the our societies that people do and the deeper your state of ignorance
same game, but much more deadly. fight who does not follow suit, but about what is real and false. Mean-
Remember, this was against their which they actually do not have any ing that the more you play the
will, but they had to do what was control over and for which they are game, the more you are caught up
required by those who control the not told the true state of things. in the web of the system and the
game and who they couldn’t see, more you are out of touch with
or else be killed. But what caught For instance, Afrikans now think your divine responsibility.
my mind is the fact that, the entire that the only way your marriage can
game was set up and controlled by be successful is if you do a ‘white The system, obviously, was not
a group of people remotely. Mean- wedding’ in church. Imagine the designed to empower that which
ing that, even if the teenagers who foolishness of calling the Afrikan makes a man think differently or
were sucked into the game wanted style of wedding “traditional” and outside of the laid down path, and
out, the reality was that, they did calling the one done in the church is even much less for those who
not even know how or from where “white”. For God’s sake, where have divine mandates in their hands.
to push the stop or escape but- did we even get the concept that It’s a constant war and battle for
ton. At the end of the movie, the weddings are supposed to be done freedom and liberty to rise above
system that controlled the game was in church? And from which hell did the game.
destroyed by one of the teenagers the narrative of a ‘white wedding’
who happened to know what to do, come from? The fake royals? It is Real life experiences of the
using the very hands of the creator neither Afrikan nor Biblical. For if game
of the game. my memory serves me right, the To some, this may look like a little
only wedding that the Christ went bit of nothing or even over-sensitiv-
Who controls the buttons? to was not done in a Synagogue, ity, but for me, it’s one huge pattern
There was a time, just maybe less nor in a church. But to imagine how of control and which is also seen in
than three years ago when it was much you are looked down upon other areas of our lives.
not really ok for a man to stay and if you don’t have a “white wed-
work from the house. He was ding” by the very same people who Have you even thought about how
almost considered irresponsible if profess to know the Bible, you will you feel about taking your family
he did. It was even worse if he did think you have somehow offended for a weekend ‘treat’ at KFC or
not have a job or wake up in the God. And this is just one out of a any of the other “quick-meals”
morning like others to catch the million of things that we have come joints. You know the excitement
early morning bus to the office. But to accept as people, without any you feel somewhere in your mind.
here we are, in a Covid era in which basis both spiritually and culturally. And have you even taken time to
working from home is now consid- think and understand that what
ered noble and responsible because It however boggles the mind when you called a treat in those places is
it is deemed necessary to reduce you try to make others see what’s actually the opening of doors to
the spread of the disease. But are going on but they look at you like unhealthy foods and which should
people really opening their eyes to one idiot and call you a conspiracy never be placed on the same level
see that all of this madness called theorist. as a “treat”. We all know that eating
Covid-19 and the falsehood called fast-food is one of the fastest ways
pandemic is actually the brain child A deceptive creation of contracting non-communica-
a group of people somewhere who I realized that the internet, social ble diseases, but how often do we
think this is the next level in their media, technology and the sys- feel on top of the world when we
global game of domination and tem that runs this world were not go for such weekend treats? You
control? Meaning that humans now designed for social interaction, even don’t have to look too far to see the
live their entire daily realities based though they being used for that. effects of these “quick meals’ joints
on the workings and machinations They were designed as tools for in the number of obese people we
of others. Life is just a game to distraction from that which is real, have around us. But the question is
some and the lives of others, are in order to make mankind embrace this, how did we got into that place
the pawns in their games. that which is false, vanity and a lie. where we consider that which is
It’s a huge mind game that is played clearly killing us, treats? Television
Watching the movie I mentioned at different levels of ignorance. pseudo-lifestyle shows, influence of