Page 16 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 16
P. 16


          system, basic education began in lib-  • Today, this standard of education,   China, Libya, Iraq and any other
          eration camp bush schools, managed   set by Mugabe, is still the bench-  country that has challenged US and
          by Dzingai Mutumbuka and Fay       mark to beat in Africa, according to   European domination have at one
          Chung in Zambia and Mozambique     UNESCO rankings in 2018. Mean-     point or another been placed in the
          during the struggle.               while in maths and science, Zimba-  same threat category.
          This was because Zanu PF believed   bwe ranks 4th despite the 18yrs of
          that liberation by the gun was just   economic sanctions and the pre-  5. Health Care
          the first step of liberation, but it   ceding economic sabotage imposed   Coming out of a colonial legacy
          needed to culminate in Zimbabwe-   by the United States and the entire   where 200 in every 1000 black chil-
          ans educating and skilling them-   Berlin Conference cabal.           dren born, died before the age of
          selves enough to built a prosperous   With this education, Zimbabwean   5, Mugabe realized that, for Zimba-
          and truly liberated nation.        human talent and skills have become   bweans to reach their full potential
                                             the nation’s biggest export to the   through education and economic
          • From the bush, Mugabe and his    developed world. Enabling Zimba-   development, black children would
          comrades began to implement the    bweans to travel across the world,   need to survive beyond their fifth
          most ambitious education project   learning and gaining new skills to   birthday.
          on the continent, to equip Zimba-  enable them to control and leverage   To deliver this, a comprehensive
          bweans with both academic and      their natural resources to industri-  healthcare system upgrade was
          technical skills that would leverage   alize their country that is endowed   planned and embarked upon. Bring-
          the nation’s aspirations.          with vast strategic mineral resources   ing into existence 19,000 hospital
          The academic subjects were stan-   (in the center of the Persian Gulf   beds by building over 1,200 health-
          dard, while the technical subjects   of strategic mineral resources) that   care centers in 30 years, from the
          included business, building, agricul-  western countries are dependent on   13,230 beds in 600 odd healthcare
          ture, fashion & fabrics, mechanics,   to maintain their economic, industri-  centers that Smith built in 90 years
          woodwork, plumbing, technical      al and military leadership.        of colonialism.
          drawing and metalwork to give Zim-                                    • Maternity beds were increased
          babweans tangible life skills to drive   A third world country’s educated   from 1 bed per every 2,560 pregnan-
          the economy into a middle income   population controlling its strategic   cies in 1980, to 1 bed for every 567
          country in the shortest time.      mineral resources was identified as   pregnancies by 2000.
                                             an unacceptable threat to the west-  • Doctors grew from 1 per every
          • Over the next 37yrs, Mugabe and   ern world order since colonialism   200,000 patients under Smith, to 1.7
          his government painstakingly built   ended.                           and 8 nurses per 10,000 people. This
          more than 5,709 schools (3,462     It’s mainly for this reason why EU   is in spite of our nurses and doctors
          Primary and 2,247 secondary), 13   and US sanctions were unilaterally   being poached incessantly by first
          teacher training colleges to capac-  imposed and are being maintained   world economies because of their
          itate educators, 13 universities, 13   on, not just the Zimbabwean gov-  high standards of training.
          polytechnics, 43 vocational training   ernment but 16 million Zimbabwe-  • Infant mortality was reduced
          centers, 16 research institutions,   ans, to put an anchor on the nation’s   from 200/1,000 births in 1980, to
          8 nursing schools and 3 medical    capacity to process and sophisticate   less than 40/1,000 by 2000, while
          schools using a food-for-work pro-  those resources.                  the country enjoys a lower rate of
          gram and the District Development   This was corroborated in 2003,    miscarriages than the continental
          Fund.                              when George Bush declared Zim-     benchmark, South Africa. Putting
          This ensured that every Zimbabwe-  babwe (as a nation) an unusual and   Zimbabwe into the top ten lowest
          an had access to subsidized quality   extraordinary threat to US econom-  miscarriage rates in Africa.
          primary to secondary education,    ic, national and security interests to   Even though the nation’s healthcare
          despite the budgetary constraints   impose EO13288, EO13391 and       system is no longer in the top five
          and punitive sanctions (apartheid   EO13469 Executive Order sanc-     in Africa, because of the impact of
          government sanctions; Matebeleland   tions.                           sanctions, it still ranks in the top 10
          unrest and the war in Mozambique                                      on the continent, better than many
          funded by the CIA and apartheid    A telling development, considering   countries without sanctions.
          government; US, EU and UK sanc-    that pre-WW2 Germany, Japan,
          tions facing the nation today).    USSR and post war South Korea,     6. Law Enforcement
                                             Russia, Vietnam, Panama, Cuba,     To ensure that the nation building

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