Page 20 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 16
P. 20


          now one of the biggest gold miners   babwean economy, by tightening   are still untapped by European ex-
          in Zimbabwe. And despite his tax   sanctions to obscure the success of   ploitation. Contrast that with South
          evasion allegations, the Zimbabwean   this endeavor.                  Africa, which has been mercilessly
          government continues to treat him   • Albeit, in that environment,    exploited to the extent that today,
          as one of its own, and not a foreign-  Zimbabwe has created organic US   less than 18 years of gold and less
          er, because of hunhu/ubuntu and    dollar millionaires and billionaires   than 10 years of iron remains.
          values inculcated by Mugabe and his   in banking, telecoms, technology,   Today, many black Zimbabweans are
          government.                        mining, farming, energy, industry,   educated, property-owning, middle
          • Implats is one of the biggest    logistics and services and not token   class citizens who are employable
          miners of platinum in the world,   empowerment gatekeepers in white   anywhere in the world because of
          their most profitable mines are run   companies.                      subsidized education, food, trans-
          by Zimplats in Zimbabwe and black   • Today black Zimbabweans have    port, healthcare, resource owner-
          Zimbabweans manage and own         more savings per capita than any   ship, the vision, leadership and hard
          51% of Zimplats.                   other African country on the con-  work the old man and his team put
          14. Finance                        tinent, with more than 68% of the   in. But this same group are the first
          • In Zimbabwe, we find one of      country’s GDP in savings sitting   ones who spit on his legacy based
          the biggest black owned insurance,   outside Zimbabwe. The third high-  on what they hear and read in white
          banking and telecoms industries in   est percentage after Dubai and Saudi   media and them focusing on birth
          the world that have kept the country   Arabia.                        pains more than the child (benefits)
          afloat under the current economic   This is capital that will leverage   born.
          war.                               Zimbabwe into a middle income      They fail to realize that a sacrifice
          Even African Americans or black    economy in the near future, once   had to be made for the empower-
          Europeans do not own strategic     Zimbabweans realize that they don’t   ment they are beneficiaries of and
          financial assets at the proportion of   need foreign investment but their   in many ways it’s their contribution
          black Zimbabweans. Opening up      own savings as their home-based    (patriotism, investment, ideas, in-
          the door for this paper-monied class   investment.                    novation, taxes, creativity, solutions,
          of American Africans to come and                                      fight against sanctions) that is miss-
          invest in real wealth in Zimbabwe. I   16. Zimbabwe Is Open To        ing to deliver a better Zimbabwe.
          won’t even talk about South Africa,   Africans
          which doesn’t even have a single   Even now Africans who dare to      South Africans Appreciate Little
          black bank or insurer.             venture into Zimbabwe, like Mzi    Meanwhile, in South Africa, where
                                             and Matshela, are building their bal-  most of the anti-Mugabe media
          15. Energy                         ance sheets from this emancipated   lingers, the locals, who were short-
          • The country’s biggest independent   economy.                        changed by Mandela, appreciate
          energy producers and energy traders   Rumors continue to abound that   their white savior and guard his
          are black and they are the ones    senior South African politicians like   legacy jealously. Bantu education
          building solar farms as independent   Thabo Mbeki also have mines in   seems to have preserved the uhun-
          energy producers in the country.   Zimbabwe, hence they are comfort-  hu/ubuntu to appreciate little in the
          • This has seen opportunities open   able with an untransformed South   South African, while great education
          up for black South Africans like   Africa, because they already own   has eroded any sense of gratitude in
          Matshela Koko to build a solar pow-  resources courtesy of Mugabe.    the Zimbabwean.
          er plant under the new President.   These are some of the cascading
          Something he wouldn’t get to do in   benefits of Mugabe taking the sac-  17. Decolonization
          his own country because of white   rifice of deconstructing the colonial   Even though Mandela’s European
          monopoly and exclusion by the      edifice, transforming and indigeniz-  colony of South Africa is ruled by
          gatekeeping black leadership.      ing his economy for the long term   a white shadow government and
                                             benefit of ALL black people.       investment. Although it has given all
          15. Wealth Creation                All that Mugabe did was for the long   resources to westerners and doesn’t
          • As a result of Mugabe’s transfer of   term benefit of future generations   have sanctions around its neck. It
          resources to their rightful owners,   of African children. Through his   still has the worst education in Afri-
          black Zimbabweans have become      indigenization policies, he preserved   ca, yet it has the biggest budget for
          rich and the western world has gone   the country‘s vast gold, lithium,   education.
          into high gear to sabotage the Zim-  iron, coal, oil and gas reserves that   Alongside that is the biggest

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