Page 21 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 16
P. 21
crime-fighting budget on the conti-
nent, but South Africa has the most
chaos and violent crime in Africa.
All this because 47% of South
Africans are food insecure, because
they can’t grow their own food with-
out land, technical skills and seeds
owned by Monsanto and Syngenta.
Another issue is all the investment
the South African government puts
into law enforcement and education they are equal to whites and are not MaDzimbabwe (Houses Of Stone)
is spent supporting western compa- inferior. they destroyed with colonialism.
nies, procuring equipment and deci-
sion makers receiving bribes instead 19. Hated For Lifting Africans 20. A Threat To White Su-
of building black capacity. So much For these reasons the western world premacy
for western paternalism that contin- united to try and destroy his legacy This national icon became a night-
ues to impoverish Africans since the by putting Mugabe and his nation mare to white domination as his
arrival of the first colonizers 600yrs under sanctions since liberation policies and ideology threaten to
ago. Africa must decolonize and through colonial debt. Over and become the new African blueprint
stop vilifying decolonizers. above that, the world powers de- to overthrow western hegemony.
ceived him into buying back stolen In fact, it has become a virus in the
18. Mugabe Invested In the land in foreign currency in the name hearts of all oppressed peoples, who
Right Things of reconciliation, yet behind his like Zombies, are now driven to rise
Mugabe might not have had mon- back they were partnering with the and take a leaf from his philosophy
ey to spend on equipment but he apartheid government to destabilize and works to emancipate themselves
invested in capacitating his people. his country and impose debt colo- without apology.
He trained his administrators to nialism through ESAP (structural For this he had to be stopped, and
invest in priority areas that mattered, adjustment). when they failed to kill him, the
on low budgets, to set up the nation But, somehow, under these insur- destruction of his work and assas-
for the future. It’s the reason why mountable odds, this stubborn man sination of his character by both
Zimbabwe has education, security, and his equally stubborn political black and white began in earnest.
law and order, US dollar millionaires home, were still able to systematical- Whites did it to preserve their right
and is surviving sanctions better ly lift their countrymen and nation to dominate Africans and control
than apartheid South Africa did to a point of becoming a threat to their wealth, while the Africans in
under sanctions. the western world. the know did it out of sheer envy
Mugabe had long-term vision, un- of the bar he set. Not realizing that
characteristic of most African lead- ZDERA destroying Mugabe’s legacy based
ers, hence it takes strategic thinking Mugabe’s work culminated in on white interests is to destroy their
to fully appreciate what he achieved. Zimbabweans becoming educated own right to exist.
He achieved for black people what enough to demand control of their Fortunately, the vast majority are
even America is failing to deliver to laws, economy, land and resources just ignorant and this piece seeks to
its 45million African American citi- as their aspirations grew to them awaken them to their true inheri-
zens. This is why the racist redneck wanting to be captains of their tance, which they must awaken to
American government is hunting for destiny. protect.
all means, including war, to reverse This made Mugabe, ZANU and Mugabe’s legacy is the legacy of Af-
the precedence he set, as they did in his people a threat (unusual and ricans rising to take control of their
Libya. unequivocal threat) to the west- own destiny, hence I refuse to sit
This is why he is an icon to many ern colonial capitalist order, hence as my destiny is trampled upon by
Africans because he materially and western countries - the same who racists and their muppets who feel
psychologically emancipated black met to carve Africa in 1884 - came entitled to my progeny’s legacy.
Zimbabweans, while enjoining Afri- together and imposed unilateral EU, Long Live Robert Mugabe, A
cans across the world to realize that ZDERA and EO13288 sanctions Leader Of Leaders who carries my
they can do for themselves because to incapacitate the rise of the same destiny.