Page 19 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 16
P. 19


          a moral code that promoted people   pass on.                          receive land in Zimbabwe.
          to live within their means, build   Even though they didn’t succeed   But, as with any deconstruction or
          gradually, own assets and shy away   in killing him, three attempts were   restructuring process, Zimbabwe
          from debt.                         made on his life. Tony Blair even   had to start its agriculture afresh on
          • As a consequence, many Zim-      went to the extent of asking SADC   diminished capacity, as previously
          babweans, including villagers,     leaders for approval to attack Zim-  dispossessed black farmers, sucked
          own considerable tangible assets:   babwe, just to remove Mugabe.     dry by 90 years of white exploita-
          homes, land, water sources, seeds,   Eventually, the west resorted to   tion, began to reacquaint themselves
          solar electric generation capacity,   attacking his persona and reputation   with the land and now are gradually
          mineral claims, livestock, crops in   to diminish the impact of his work.   pushing up their output.
          the ground, farming implements,    This is why, in his death, all we are   • In the last three years, 18 years af-
          insurance policies, business proper-  being fed is unsubstantiated allega-  ter Land Reform, Zimbabwe’s black
          ties and assets without debt. Giving   tions and rumors of the wealth he   farmers have surpassed the tobacco
          them some of the highest networths   amassed, instead of his measurable   and cotton numbers it took white
          and gearing for economic growth in   and unparalleled achievements.   settler farmers over 95 years to set.
          future.                            12. Farming                        In 2018 cotton numbers jumped by
          Even the waiters and helpers many   • As with minerals, Zimbabweans   over 300%, numbers achieved under
          South Africans disparage, own more   control their land and the coun-  economic sanctions, without the
          property than the average middle   try has in excess of 120,000 black   privilege of debt, slave labor, pole
          class debt-ridden South African,   farmers benefiting from their land   taxes, preferential western market
          hence they end up starting busi-   by farming tobacco and contributing   access or subsidies from exploitation
          nesses, while their counterparts   to foreign currency generation.    that white farmers enjoyed.
          are bogged down in debt for cars,   One of the major reasons we don’t   • In the process, the country has
          clothes, airtime and, many times,   see murders for survival, violent ser-  maintained a percentage of its
          even food.                         vice level protests, gruesome Mari-  heirloom seeds, because of govern-
          • Zimbabwe has more than 3 million   kana type strikes and bloody crime   ment’s agriculture research centers
          people with a net worth of over    in the country (besides the good   and Mugabe’s clear policy against
          US$100 000, the opposite of the    law enforcement and Zimbabweans    GMOs. Complementing that, the
          colony where personal debt is sitting   being able to export their labor), the   country has one of the biggest beef
          at $121b or 34% of GDP, because    main reason is, each Zimbabwean    and goat herds in the hands of rural
          white investment has citizens taking   family is able to use land, including   folk in Africa.
          debt in exchange for their resources.  road sides velds to feed themselves.
                                             Those who lose their jobs have the   13. Mining
          11. Leveraging Human Talent        benefit of moving back to their ru-  • As outlined above, Zimbabweans
          • Once the people were educated    ral homes where they have access to   control their mineral resources, and
          and skilled, Mugabe’s long term plan   land, before being forced to resort   many average Zimbabweans own
          of giving them access to resources   to violence for survival.        mineral claims and mines from
          to learn and gain experience to pro-  The infirm, vulnerable and even   which most of the nation’s ore is
          duce kicked in. For this purpose he   the indolent (lazy) are sustained by   derived.
          pushed for the promulgation of the   their relatives in the country or the   • This is the reason why the big-
          indigenization policy and later-on   diaspora because of the communal   gest black gold, platinum, chrome
          ZIMASSET.                          values still ingrained in the society.   and coal miners in the world are
                                             These are the underestimated bene-  Zimbabweans. All emanating from
          In his mind, he knew that this leg   fits of land reform, Mugabe’s educa-  Mugabe giving his people, who
          of the struggle would be the most   tion policy and assertive leadership,   Europeans believe are not worthy
          difficult. More difficult than going   which have maintained morality   of controlling their resources, access
          to prison or war, because, for the   and the non-violent nature of the   to resources.
          same endeavor, Lumumba, San-       nation, even under sanctions.      We currently have more than 6,000
          kara, Arbenz, Noriega, Torrijos    • Between 1980 and now, more than   gold miners and these citizens form
          and Gaddaffi were assassinated by   300,000 families that support on av-  the engine for the government to
          western powers. He understood that   erage 11 members, were given land   build up its gold reserves.
          the same could happen to him but   and till today, anyone patient enough   • Mzi Khumalo’s Metallon couldn’t
          this was a cup (destiny) he couldn’t   to apply and wait for land, can still   mine gold in South Africa but he is

           WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                         ISSUE 16 | OCTOBER 2021      19
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