Page 18 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 16
P. 18
mining companies that were behind Mozambicans and even Ugandans population (white people) and their
the apartheid government destabili- migrated into Zimbabwe for these black servants. As a result 90% of
zation of the region for the last 40 services, from the period of 1990 till black Zimbabweans were confined
years. 2005, two years after sanctions were to overcrowded rural reserves where
doubled through the executive order they had no services or infrastruc-
This is why western powers who sanctions in 2003. ture, but were heavily taxed to build
were sponsoring Kagame and Rhodesia’s social welfare system for
Museveni in Congo were not happy Mugabe Built Zimbabwe Into A Success- the whites.
with Zimbabwe’s intervention. So, as ful Nation In essence, the little they built was
retaliation for this regional military At this juncture, it’s important to capitalized by black slave labor, a
leadership, combined with land re- reiterate that this effective public plethora of heavy colonial taxes on
form and the threat of Zimbabwe’s service was built by Mugabe and a the black rural population, exploited
educated black population taking very capable team from a very low resources and debts that we are still
over their resources, it aggravated base using schemes like the Food paying today.
grounds for western sanctions on For Work Program and government These are facts the racist media will
Zimbabwe. departments like the District Devel- not divulge, to continue to foment
opment Fund. the narrative that black leadership
Subsequently, other countries that All was achieved without a Martial equals corruption, incapacity and
participated with Zimbabwe in Con- Plan or colonial reparations in a inability. Therefore, Africans must
go have experienced western attacks country bogged down by Rhodesian shun strong African leaders like
that saw Gaddafi of Libya being sanctions and colonial debt, at a Mugabe and instead look up to
overthrown, Chad experiencing two time the country was also defending western father figures who must
unsuccessful coups, while Sudan itself from apartheid South Afri- retain control of African resources
recently suffered a successful coup ca’s western backed destabilization on Africa’s behalf.
against Bashir. attacks. What’s ironic about this manufac-
• Under Mugabe, Zimbabwe’s army I stress this to reiterate that Mugabe, tured consent is that the only Afri-
would be sent to Somalia, Sudan, his team and Zimbabweans built can country still governed by a white
Chad, Angola and Equatorial Guin- that prosperous Zimbabwe everyone (father figure) shadow government
ea on various missions, to make harps on about. And the same in- and business community (South Af-
it the most seasoned army on the stitutional memory is still in charge rica) has the worst education, HIV
continent. of the country today, but under the health crisis, corruption, infiltrated
• Inside the country, Mugabe chokehold of sanctions. Yet, white military, crime on the parallels of a
fought and defeated Rhodesian and propaganda will have us believe war zone because of poverty and
apartheid South African sponsored that Zimbabweans inherited a jewel food controlled by father figures.
Super ZAPU tribal terrorists and from the Rhodesians and then they
dissidents between 1983 and 1987, mismanaged it. 10. Economics
to ensure peace and that Zimbabwe The data and facts paint a picture • Today the biggest bank in Afri-
would not be another failed African of Mugabe and Zanu building a ca with a revenue of $3b/month,
state plagued by tribal conflict. formidable economy that became a 6.7m customers and 26,000 outlets
• His Air Force would go on to train threat to western interests. For this is a Zimbabwean outfit known as
the South African Air Force for 10 reason it was attacked by the ongo- Ecocash. This bank, which only
years after they got independence, ing economic warfare and collective operates in Zimbabwe, is able to
because it was one of the best Air punishment of 16 million Zimba- generate more revenue than most
Forces on the continent. A natural bweans (by sanctions) to destroy the South African banks that operate on
progression emanating from Zimba- example Zimbabwe was setting for the entire continent. A testament to
bwe’s STEM education output. other Africans. It’s the proverbial the money floating in the hands of
A Great Public Service And Service runaway slave being set as an exam- Zimbabweans.
Delivery ple by the slave master to discourage • This also feeds into the fact that
As a result of this amazing public other slaves from attempting to free Zimbabweans have a higher net
sector service delivery in education, themselves. asset ownership and low personal
healthcare, security and infrastruc- Moreover, where the Rhodesian debt than most other economies
ture. Zambians, Batswana, South colony did create infrastructure, it across the world. All because Mug-
Africans, Malawians, Angolans, was only catered for 6-10% of the abe empowered his people and built
18 | we tell the true afrikan story