Page 27 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 16
P. 27


          again. Your head begins to spin and   then I will say well, modernity is   who watched the show, a twisted
          swim and question everything you   stupid and wasteful and greedy and   and corrupt mindset about what life
          were ever told or taught; everything   a shameful way to live and we must   and “making it” in life is all about.
          you had believed and based your    stop it. For if the men of the stone   Then tomorrow we complain that
          world on.                          age, even in their supposed primitive   the rate of rape, adultery, suicide
                                             thinking, could live and maintain   among young people, internet fraud
          It never crossed your mind that peo-  a clean, unpolluted, healthy, nat-  is increasing.
          ple can be repeatedly unjust. Like, it   ural environment that is alive and
          wasn’t a mistake, it was a choice they   thriving in community, love, kind-  Grown men and women, some
          made about how they want to live   ness, mindfulness etc. then I think   of them married will go on air,
          their lives… all the while confin-  we need to go back to that age. Just   on international television, dress
          ing you to a box of limitations of   maybe we can clean up the madness   in almost nothing, drink stupid-
          acting righteously towards them and   we have created as societies.   ly, seduce one another, have sex,
          others, or else. Yet, there they were,   How can we go from crying one day   cheat on spouses and then walk out
          these anomalies. Using the system   that there is pollution and supposed   and face their friends and family
          to justify their wrongdoings and to   global warming to the next day   as if what they did was perfectly
          keep you bound and restrained…     offering some stupid deal on Black   acceptable and normal; and some
          and, worse yet, profiting from it   Friday for people to queue over-  other grown men and women (even
          financially and in other ways, all at   night to get, and then throw away   some of those not grown) will sit
          your expense.                      the following year due to some mad   and watch, and others will applaud,
                                             reason? Honestly, mankind, we can   vote and model their lives on this
          A world filled with foolishness    do better.                         madness. Equal participants in the
          My brother has a computer. An                                         corrupt practices of society. I used
          iMac. He got it many years ago for   A world celebrating corruption   Big Brother as the example here,
          his business, looked after it well, it   and evil                     but is this not the same thing with
          still runs just fine, but Apple is not   I think that Big Brother Africa and   politicians or business people who
          supporting it anymore (for those   all related franchises on the conti-  we watch engaging in utter madness
          who have experienced this with     nent (and elsewhere), is one of the   and robbery at our expense and
          iPhones, I’m sure you can relate) so   best illustrations of the sickness and   then applaud as heroes and even
          it’s not possible to update certain   corruption that has entered into   celebrate, refusing to let them pay
          crucial elements or run some of    the minds and hearts of people in   for their crimes?
          the more ‘modern’ programs on it.   Afrika, since our relatives of bygone
          It’s like watching the slow, painful   years engaged in the slave trade as   A world filled with cowardice
          death of someone who has so much   dealers in the bodies of men. Young   The worst thing about cowardice,
          left to offer, but more than that, it’s   men and women of sound body   about being afraid to do anything to
          just dumb. Planned obsolescence is   (possibly) but doubtfully of sound   fight against the things in the world
          dumb. Forcing someone to spend     mind, will enter an enclosed space,   and in the society that are actually
          over US $1000 on an item that they   having signed away any claim they   destroying us as a people, is that it is
          then look after really well and run   may have had to privacy, and put on   behavior that is taught and handed
          for decades, only for you to with-  a show of the most appalling and   down from generation to genera-
          draw support for it, while it still   unnecessary debauchery that they   tion. Parents can pass it on to their
          functions – just so that you can sell   can conjure up in those unsound   children, having received it from
          them a new one, which you will do   minds, so as to win the popular vote   their own parents or developed
          the same thing to later is beyond   from a group of people who have   within themselves as a result of
          stupid. Then we decry the moun-    nothing better to do with their lives   the harsh treatment of the system
          tains of electronic waste in our en-  than salivate over the hedonistic   around them. While no one enjoys
          vironment, or find a foolish country   activities on the screen. The ultimate   being treated like trash in their own
          to dump the load on, as we continue   winner walks away with a cash prize   country, especially for doing the
          to purchase and throw away things   and some other junk that will all be   right thing, refusing to deal with is-
          in a way that only serves to speak of   spent, lost, damaged or thrown away   sues because of that harsh treatment
          our own lack of wisdom… it is just   in a short space of time, leaving   ensures that the problems will re-
          stupid. And if you say it’s moder-  behind in the memory of the many   main and even become entrenched.
          nity and that we have to upgrade…   millions including kids and youths   There is no iota of safety in a choice

           WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                         ISSUE 16 | OCTOBER 2021      27
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