Page 32 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 16
P. 32

Health & Healing

          The Kissinger Report also specifi-
          cally declared that the United States
          must cover up its population control
          activities and avoid charges of impe-
          rialism by inducing the United Na-
          tions and various non-governmental
          organizations — specifically the
          Pathfinder Fund, the International
          Planned Parenthood Foundation
          (IPPF) and the Population Council
          — to do its dirty work.            For many years, the United States   Peru
                                             government funded the United Na-   During the years 1995 to 1997,
          Dr. Alan Guttmacher, one of the    tions Population Fund (UNFPA). In   over a quarter of a million Peruvian
          most knowledgeable and active      April 2017, the Trump Administra-  women were sterilized as part of
          population suppression experts of   tion finally took the step of ending   a program to fulfill then-president
          all time, described this strategy:  UNFPA funding.                    Alberto Fujimori’s family planning
                                                                                goals. Although this campaign

          My own feeling is that we’ve got to pull   Why?                       was called the “Voluntary Surgical
          out all the stops and involve the United                              Contraception Campaign,” many of
          Nations…. If  you’re going to curb popu-  One of the main targets of UNFPA   these procedures were obviously co-
          lation, it’s extremely important not to have   money is the People’s Republic of   erced. In fact, women whose under-
          it done by the “damned Yankee,” but by   China (PRC). The State Department   weight children were on government
          the UN. Because the thing is, then it’s not   grounded the change of policy the   food programs were threatened with
          considered genocide. If  the United States   fact the agency “supports, or partic-  the withholding of this food if they
          goes to the black man or the yellow man   ipates in the management of, a pro-  refused to be sterilized, and others
          and says “slow down your reproductive   gram of coercive abortion or invol-  were kidnapped from their families
          rate,” we’re immediately suspected of  hav-  untary sterilization” in China. While   and forcibly sterilized.
          ing ulterior motives to keep the white man   the UNFPA denies it, according to
          dominant in the world. If  you can send in   its own documents the UNFPA has   Uganda
          a colorful UN force, you’ve got much better   donated more than $100 million to   Uganda became the first African
          leverage.”                         China’s population control program,   country to roll back its adult HIV
                                             financed a $12 million computer    infection rate, from 21% in 1991 to
          Massive Human Rights Violations    complex specifically to monitor the   about 6% in 2004, a 70% decrease.
          NSSM-200 has directly and inev-    population program, provided the   The nation accomplished this amaz-
          itably encouraged atrocities on an   technical expertise and personnel   ing feat by discouraging condom use
          enormous scale in dozens of the    that trained thousands of Chinese   and by changing the behavior of the
          world’s nations. Just four of count-  population control officials, and pre-  people.
          less examples are shown below.     sented China with a United Nations
                                             award for the “most outstanding    The population control groups
          China                              population control program.”       could not allow this success to in-
                                                                                terfere with their inflexible template
                                             Those unfamiliar with the count-   because it emphasized virtuous be-
                                             less abuses perpetrated under this   havior, so they aggressively under-
                                             program might consider reading ma-  mined President Yoweri Museveni’s
                                             terial from 2015-present at the links   program. Timothy Wirth, President
                                             for the U.S. Congressional Hearing   of the United Nations Foundation,
                                             on China and Population Research   called this highly effective program
                                             Institute (PRI) for evidence. As the   “gross negligence toward humanity.”
                                             PRI article states, “More children   The United States Agency for In-
                                             were aborted under the one-child   ternational Development (USAID),
                                             policy than the entire population of   Population Services International,
                                             the United States.”                CARE International, and others
                                                                                have been pushing condoms as hard

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