Page 35 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 16
P. 35
Health & Healing
ing to an enhancement of human
rights worldwide and healthier econ-
omies for all.
No human relationships are closer
or more intimate than those found
in the family. Yet the “developed”
world has spent more than 160
billion dollars just since 1990 at-
tempting to control the number of
children born to families in develop-
ing nations through the widespread
imposition of abortion, sterilization
and birth control under the decep-
tive umbrella terms “family planning
services” and “reproductive health.”
All that the tens of billions of dol-
lars of government population con-
From the very beginning, the con- lating the most precious freedoms trol expenditures have accomplished
cept of a “population explosion” and autonomy of the individual is to make hundreds of millions of
was an ideologically motivated false through coercive family planning large poor families into small poor
alarm specifically designed to allow programs. families.
rich nations to pillage the resources
of the poorer nations. The resulting The Kissinger Report purports It is unfortunately left to our imag-
push for population control in de- to show concern for the rights ination to wonder what might have
veloping nations has borne absolute- or welfare of individuals and of happened if these resources had
ly no positive fruit in its decades of nations, but it was conceived from been invested in health and educa-
implementation. In fact, population the imperialistic concept that the tional infrastructure, and in research
control ideologies and programs United States has the “right” to have dedicated to finding peaceful
make it even more difficult to re- unfettered access to the natural re- strategies to transition nations from
spond to the impending grave crisis sources of developing nations. The corrupt governance to truly repre-
looming in the form of a disastrous United States and the other nations sentative and accountable courts and
worldwide “population implosion.” of the developed world, as well as public service sectors.
It is time to begin urging families ideologically-motivated population
to have more children, not fewer, if control NGOs, should be support- Children are not an obstacle to
we are to avoid a worldwide demo- ing and guiding authentic economic development, they are the hope for
graphic catastrophe. development that allows the people the future of any society. People
of each nation to use their resources are not the problem — they are the
The first step in such a massive for their own benefit, thereby lead- solution.
change in policy is, of course, to
change our vision and our values. In
order to do this, we must repudiate
old ways of thinking and outmoded
ways of accomplishing our objec-
NSSM-200 represents the worst
aspect of the “advanced” nations
meddling in the most intimate
affairs of less-developed nations. It
strongly reinforces the image of the
“ugly American.” It advocates vio-