Page 34 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 16
P. 34

Health & Healing

                                                                                (b) The fundamental social and eco-
                                                                                nomic development of  poor countries in
                                                                                which rapid population growth is both a
                                                                                contributing cause and a consequence of
                                                                                widespread poverty.
                                                                                Is Government Population
                                                                                Control Necessary?
                                                                                There is growing awareness  that
                                                                                the world “population explosion” is
                                                                                over or, indeed, that it never actually
              increase their abortion, steril-  this view is that mandatory pro-  materialized in the first place.
              ization and contraception-use     grams may be needed and that
              rates: “Pay women in the LDCs     we should be considering these   When the population scare began in
              to have abortions as a method     possibilities now.”             the late 1960s, the world population
              of family planning.… Similarly,   •   Considering using coercion in   was increasing at a rate of more
              there have been some contro-      other forms, such as withhold-  than 2% per year. It is now increas-
              versial, but remarkably suc-      ing disaster and food aid unless   ing at less than 1% per year, and
              cessful, experiments in India in   a targeted LDC implements      this rate is expected to continue to
              which financial incentives, along   population control programs:   drop due to continuing population
              with other motivational devices,   “On what basis should such     control activities.
              were used to get large numbers    food resources then be provid-
              of men to accept vasectomies.”    ed? Would food be considered    The Kissinger Report predicted that
          •   Concentrating on “indoctrinat-    an instrument of national       the population of the world would
              ing” [NSSM-200’s language] the    power? Will we be forced to     stabilize at about 10 to 13 billion,
              children of LDCs with anti-na-    make choices as to whom we      with some demographers predicting
              talist propaganda: “Without       can reasonably assist, and if so,   that the world population would bal-
              diminishing in any way the        should population efforts be a   loon to as high as 22 billion people.
              effort to reach these adults, the   criterion for such assistance?  Now it is estimated that by 2100
              obvious increased focus of at-                                    population will level out at around
              tention should be to change the   Throughout the implementation   11 billion, although many depend-
              attitudes of the next generation,   process, the United States must hide   able estimates put the peak popula-
              those who are now in elementa-  its tracks and disguise its population   tion at a much lesser number.
              ry school or younger.”         control programs as altruistic, by
          •   Designing and instigating      using the euphemisms so well-be-   The worldwide application of the
              propaganda programs and        loved by all elements of the culture   strategies recommended in The
              sex-education curricula intend-  of death:                        Kissinger Report has resulted in
              ed to convince couples to have                                    regional population growth rates
              smaller families, regardless of   There is also the danger that some LDC   decelerating so fast that they are
              social or cultural considerations:   leaders will see developed country pressures   already causing severe economic and
              “The following areas appear to   for family planning as a form of  economic   social problems in Europe, the for-
              contain significant promise in   or racial imperialism; this could well create   mer Soviet Union, Japan, Singapore
              effecting fertility declines and   a serious backlash.… The U.S. can help   and Hong Kong. Many developing
              are discussed in subsequent sec-  to minimize charges of  an imperialist mo-  nations are now aging even more
              tions … concentrating on the   tivation behind its support of  population   rapidly than the developed world,
              education and indoctrination of   activities by repeatedly asserting that such   which foretells even more severe
              the rising generation of children   support derives from a concern with:  problems for their relatively under-
              regarding the desirability of                                     developed economies. The devel-
              smaller family size.”          (a) The right of  the individual couple   oped nations had the opportunity
          •   Investigating the desirability   to determine freely and responsibly the   to become rich before they became
              of mandatory [NSSM-200’s       number and spacing of  children and to   old; if a nation becomes old first, it
              language] population control   have information, education, and means to   will never become rich.
              programs: “The conclusion of   do so; and

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