Page 31 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 16
P. 31
Health & Healing
Under the heading “Concentration
on key countries” we find:
Assistance for population moderation
should give primary emphasis to the largest
and fastest growing developing countries
where there is special U.S. political and
strategic interest. Those countries are: In- Countries targeted by NSSM-200
dia, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nigeria, Mex-
ico, Indonesia, Brazil, the Philippines, Harem, which has murdered
Thailand, Egypt, Turkey, Ethiopia and and kidnapped tens of thou-
Henry Kissinger Columbia [sic].… At the same time, the sands of people in that nation.
U.S. will look to the multilateral agencies, • When Ecuador declined to
useless in the face of this evidence. especially the U.N. Fund for Population legalize abortion, the United
Activities which already has projects in Nations refused to provide any
The Purpose of The Kissinger over 80 countries to increase population as- aid for it to battle COVID-19,
Report (NSSM-200) sistance on a broader basis with increased condemning many more Ecua-
U.S. contributions. This is desirable dorians to death.
The primary purpose of U.S. gov- in terms of U.S. interests and • When Kenyan pro-lifers collect-
ernment population control efforts necessary in political terms in the ed irrefutable evidence that Ma-
is to maintain access to the mineral United Nations. [emphasis added] rie Stopes International (MSI),
resources of less-developed coun- one of the largest abortionists
tries, or LDCs. According to The Kissinger Report, in the world, were committing
elements of the implementation of illegal and dangerous abortions
The Kissinger Report states: government population control pro- on a vast scale, MSI demanded
grams could include the legalization that they be either muzzled or
The U.S. economy will require large and of abortion, financial incentives for jailed.
increasing amounts of minerals from countries to increase their abortion, • The United Nations Population
abroad, especially from less developed coun- sterilization and contraception-use Fund halted food and other aid
tries. That fact gives the U.S. enhanced in- rates, indoctrination of children, to millions of starving Yemenis
terest in the political, economic, and social and mandatory population control because the nation refused to
stability of the supplying countries. Wher- and coercion of other forms, such legalize abortion.
ever a lessening of population pressures as withholding disaster and food aid • When Zambia refused to legal-
through reduced birth rates can increase unless an LDC implements popula- ize sodomy, the United States
the prospects for such stability, population tion control programs. withdrew much-need foreign aid
policy becomes relevant to resource supplies to help alleviate the 11% nation-
and to the economic interests of the United This last strategy — force and al HIV infection rate and to care
States. coercion applied to developing for 250,000 AIDS orphans.
countries — is currently used by the • The Joint United Nations
In order to protect U.S. commercial population control cartel to push Program on AIDS [UNAIDS]
interests, NSSM-200 cited a num- not only abortion, sterilization and threatened to withdraw all of its
ber of factors that could interrupt birth control, but other evils such as aid from the Caribbean island
the smooth flow of materials from homosexuality and transgenderism. of St. Lucia unless it approved
LDCs to the United States, includ- language supporting abortion
ing a large population of anti-impe- There are dozens of examples of and homosexuality in a political
rialist youth whose numbers must be this kind of blatant injustice, includ- declaration on HIV/AIDS.
limited by population control. The ing the following:
document identified 13 nations by • When Nigeria refused to legal- The powerful population control
name that would be the primary tar- ize contraception and homosex- cartel does not engage in charity
gets of U.S. government population uality, the United States with- at all — instead, it freely employs
control efforts. drew financial and military aid thuggery and bullying to enforce its
that would allow it to combat will.
the Islamic terror group Boko