Page 28 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 16
P. 28


          made for personal preservation.
          No matter how many safe spaces
          one builds, without dealing with the
          issues in society, those spaces will be
          encroached on by the same corrupt
          system that caused the person or
          group of people to build them, and
          those spaces will be destroyed. At
          some point in one’s life, one must
          decide to deal with the uncom-
          fortable situations in one’s life and
          society that one knows are absolute-
          ly wrong and to teach their children
          the way to go, praying that they will
          be able to find the courage to live   We must be much more committed   worthy of their own calling. Let
          right and deal with issues, instead of   than they are to turn things around,   not the stench of our complacency
          shrinking back from them.          because the truth is that things will   become the fragrance that lingers as
                                             only change the moment we decide   the memory of our own generation
          It’s our responsibility            to do better as individuals. The   as our children are forced to clean
          The root cause of this might not   moment that we understand that we   up our mess, and the messes of
          be entirely our fault, but it is our   deserve better and that we are going   those who came before us – or even
          responsibility to deal with these   to live better, because we know and   worse, add to the stench through
          demons in our lifetime and to show   understand our worth. The moment   their own madness that we failed to
          our children how it is done so that   that we realize that if we don’t do   deal with. Let ours be the generation
          they do not allow these things to   the changing, our children do not   that says, “Enough!”
          reemerge or remain in their day.   stand a chance at either recognizing
          This is the garbage that we have to   evil, knowing how to overcome it or
          deal with. We cannot leave it to our   even having the will to do so. That
          children to clean up this mess of an   moment of realization and under-
          evil, totalitarian, wasteful, excessive-  standing will require an accompany-
          ly consumerist, greedy and selfish   ing commitment made at heart level
          society. We have to face the monster   of the individual, one that cannot
          that we allowed to thrive in our own   be rescinded. A commitment to do
          backyard instead of destroying it   what is needful to change the envi-
          while we had the chance to, and we   ronment around you, around your
          have to do it now.                 community and around your family.

          There is no more room left for us to   One that disallows the negative en-
          blame the government, the slavers,   vironment that we had empowered
          the colonialists, the neo-imperial-  with our complacency to continue
          ists, the traitors in our midst who   to exist, let alone to thrive. We must
          have bullied us and the world with   turn and face our children and show
          serious wickedness. They are not   them a better world than the one
          interested in doing things differently.   they have been exposed to, to let
          They believe they have found a way   them know that much of what goes
          that works and they have neither   on around them is as a result of our
          desire nor inclination to give up   own failures to deal and to show
          their methods. In fact, they are busy   them how to approach change so
          training acolytes who will carry   that they too can be armed for the
          on with their dastardly deeds and   future that lies ahead of them.
          plans, generation upon generation to   Let us not leave the poo of our
          come. That’s how committed they    own insufficiencies to hinder the
          are to these evils.                next generation’s efforts to live lives

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