Page 59 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 16
P. 59




          By Robert Macharia. Kenya.

                  et us have a mature con-   only to get insults. The idea here   the following day or week. Then by
                  versation today. Have you   is you do not wish to go to jail for   Monday, they have a backlog of old
                  ever wondered how some     breaking someone’s face because    files which they can’t start sorting.
          Lpeople qualify for a job?         they are related to somebody who   Probably, it’s 3:00pm in the after-
          You had a good morning, nice tea or   can single-handedly smite you off   noon and they feel like they have
          coffee with some good vibes only to   the face of the earth. Have you ever   only 30 minutes to leave the office
          land on a moody, rude, intentional   been in need of a government docu-  and go home to do nothing. Anoth-
          day breaker. That is when you would   ment that is urgently required to get   er likely scenario is that it’s a Friday
          pay anything not to ever see that   in person from a government office?   and after 2:30pm all the authorized
          face again in your entire life. It is at   Apparently, the office is located in a   signatories are nowhere to be seen
          that point that you unwillingly find   different town, city or county which   because the party starts early. When
          your way to corruption by paying a   would force you to board a plane or   you attempt to explain how far away
          broker to give you a service that is   travel overnight, only to meet the   you come from and how important
          rightfully meant to be free, or rather,   person attending to you adamantly   the document you require is, they
          which you pay through your taxes   suggesting that you should come    would want to play god with your

           WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                         ISSUE 16 | OCTOBER 2021       59
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