Page 60 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 16
P. 60


          needs. If you are incorruptible,   ers got the jobs through brothers
          unlike them, you will have a rough   or sisters who know high people in
          time that you have to look for some-  high places over seminars or coffee
          where else to spend the night.     where these jobs are granted. Such
          Each time you go to a government   situations are usually capped by the
          office, 90% of the time it seems   cliché pickup lines of: “Just fix my
          like you are begging to be served,   brother or sister somewhere, he or
          because the officer or receptionist,   she will catch up on the job.” So at
          shamelessly ask you to hurry up for   what point do they get to interview,
          there are other people to be served.   evaluate or train these candidates to
          The attendant can be a very impa-  ably undertake the job at hand? Of
          tient person who is not a respecter   course the rest of the cover ups will
          of age and circumstances. In an    be done one at the back office.
          Afrikan set up, it’s very normal to
          respect elderly people considering   What am trying to relay is that
          that they may not be as fit as a fiddle   even though you get connected by
          as they used to back in their 20s or   high value people, the fact is at the
          30s. Some of these unmindful atten-  end of the day you need that job.
          dants do not accommodate pregnant   Instead of spending time on your
          women who are getting exhausted    phone subscribing to nonsense like
          standing and waiting in long queues.   playing games, watching movies,   hit by a car because you made them
          Note that the said civil servants are   or even sleeping during on board-  so angry of how things were not
          paid promptly on time, and have    ing sessions, hop into those free   working out in his life. Be profes-
          job security. Sometimes, one might   trainings and pay adequate attention.   sional and respectful of who you
          get confused about the people you   Please note that you are not the only   attend to, because who knows what
          find waiting to be served, since they   luckiest one in the world to have   life holds. The same person may be
          are treated as the staff’s siblings   a free pass into the job. Just give a   the door to your blessings that you
          who have been forced to work for   quality service. It is not appropriate   have been praying for. Remember,
          them. In other countries, clients are   to get into a job that requires you to   chances come and go and when you
          normally asked for a small monetary   talk in public most of the time, and   need them the most they vanish and
          token for you to see the boss. What   yet you don’t like public speaking.   you are forgotten, and someone
          you do not know is that, that small   Remember it is meaningful to be hu-  would call that karma.
          token hardly reaches the boss.     man. Learn to respect older people
          On the contrary, there are other   because one day you will be retired
          companies with very good employ-   and in their shoes. While every-
          ees who are uncertain of their jobs,   one else would have forgotten you   The author is a mentor, trainer and writer bear-
          and can be kicked out anytime. With   worked there, the least you would do
          unpaid or delayed salaries, they still   is appreciate the person that got you   ing adequate experiences in business development
          provide exceptional services while   that job. Mind you, there is someone     and brand management success.
          maintaining politeness, smiles,    with a valid degree or masters who
          and positive energy. These are the   are more qualified than you are, and
          qualified and disciplined employees   they are stranded collecting garbage.
          who worked hard to get genuine     They just could not get less than
          academic papers, and eventually    half the opportunity that you got.
          getting jobs.                      ‘Earth is hard’ so they say. People
          My question is: how do these ex-   are going through so much. While
          tremely rude staff get these jobs?   you might be rude to someone who
          The obvious answer is through      is at the edge of depression and is
          being connected by high ranking    considering suicide, would it not be
          officials in government. Perhaps,   fulfilling to be that voice of reason
          they are a girlfriends or boyfriends   that would prevent that person from
          to these high ranking officials. Possi-  committing suicide? You would
          bly, others had one nightstands and   always feel haunted for the rest of
          boom! they landed on the jobs. Oth-  your life should the same client got

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