Page 63 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 16
P. 63


          Another person made a comment
          and said “That’s why they cry for    How is it possible that the very same poeple that say animals have rights
          abortions in their pink hats. They’ve   and are ready to fight others for those rights, will look into the cameras
          been brainwashed to think it’s           and call abortion and the murdering of babies healthcare while using
          healthcare in order to supply stock    foolish slogans like “my body my choice”? How can the death of someone
          for pharmaceutical experiments.”       else, who as yet does not have the ability to defend themselves, be your
                                                                                                    choice to make?
          Did you read what I just read?
                                             human rights, development, health   they have the monopoly of smart-
          Did you read what I just read or did   care and modernity is nothing but a   ness, so that they alone are able to
          you not? Well, if you didn’t, let me   time bomb that will soon explode.   make decisions and choices for all
          show you a bit of it again.        We cannot keep making a mess of    of us, creating a world system that
          ...they were using animal tissues originally   things, tilting the balance in nature   was dead on arrival.
          but anti-animal cruelty groups protested   through the unnatural things we do
          too much so they went for human tissues   and expect to get away with it. At   We all have what we can do or
          insead. NO ONE BATTED AN           some point, things will certainly be   contribute to bring back humanity
          EYE.”                              grounded and nature will recycle   and love to our world again. We just
                                             itself. And that, my friend, is the   need to look inward once more, and
          Do you see it now or you still don’t?   demise of this world that we have   find our true selves.
          This is so disturbing, how we as   created and loved to worship with-
          humans have shifted from the       out thinking.                      The little acts of love on the street
          simplicity found in love, kindness,                                   and the little acts of kindness that
          compassion and the heart that      It beats my imagination how it’s   put a most needed smile on the
          makes us human and have fallen     possible for the governments of    face of the homeless and forgotten.
          into some zombie-state that is mak-  the world, in the name of “rights”,   The little acts of respect and honor
          ing rubbish of life on earth. How is   allow people to have rights to abort   we show when we speak to our
          it even possible that it’s ok to love   babies, but no one has the rights   maids, drivers, gardeners, gatemen
          and protect animals and their rights   to reject the vaccines that have   and those that are not as “socially
          more than we are able to love and   maimed, killed and are still killing   placed” as we are. The attention we
          protect the human rights to live and   and maiming countless people   give to things that most need our
          be humans? How is that even pos-   daily? How does that even make any   input for the much-needed change.
          sible? How can no one bat an eyelid   sense?                          Learning not to shift to tomorrow
          over the disaster we are subjecting                                   what is in our power to do today.
          life on earth to?                  Will you do your part?             Knowing that while we delay to do
                                                                                what is required today, tomorrow
          How is it possible that the very   Start a huge, foolish project, like Noah…  might just be too late for someone.
          same people that say animals have   it makes absolutely no difference what
          rights and are ready to fight others   people think of  you - RUMI    I believe we all have mirrors in our
          for those rights will look into the                                   hearts that reflect back to us the
          cameras and call abortion and the   Almost all the time, the only way   mind of the Creator, and even our
          murdering of babies health care    to acquire a wise heart and mature   own failings. No one is without
          while using foolish slogans like “my   mind to tackle the issues of life is   conscience, except for those who
          body my choice”? How can the death   through the pathway of “foolish-  have killed theirs over time. And
          of someone else, who as yet does   ness”.  And it’s not that pathways   that too is a choice made and fol-
          not have the ability to defend them-  like Noah’s are foolish, or that the   lowed over time and can be undone.
          selves, be your choice to make? I do   few who walk on them make fool-
          understand there are medical cases   ish decisions and bad choices, but   As humans created in the image and
          in which the termination of a preg-  because those who are truly foolish,   likeness of God, we definitely have
          nancy in order to save the life of   ignorant and undecided see what   more power than we attribute to
          the mother, or to prevent the birth   does not make sense in the moment   ourselves. Change in our world can
          of a malformed baby, is deemed     as foolish. But, how unusual is it   begin when we start to re-frame and
          necessary by some. But to close    that we are not even recognizing   change how we see and approach
          our eyes completely to the evil that   the fact that our world is where it   life, especially when it concerns
          we have so embraced and calling it   is today because some people think   others. Do your part always.

           WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                         ISSUE 16 | OCTOBER 2021       63
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