Page 68 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 16
P. 68
Health & Healing
A Specialist in Alternative and Complementary Medicine and Phytomedicine Re-
search, Rev Father Anselm Gbenga Adodo, a Monk of the Benedictine Monastery,
is the Founder and Director of Nigeria’s foremost herbal research Institute, the Pax
Herbal Clinic and Research Laboratories, popularly called Paxherbals based in Ewu,
Edo State Nigeria. His work and dedication are evidence that high quality, well-re-
searched soluions are available for and in Afrika.
dying. We can prevent the condition enough immunity to quell whatever
through herbal tonified teas that emerging diseases may come along,
boost your immunity, detoxify you such that even if you get Covid-19
and can challenge mild viral load. it will be just like another flu. The
Teas are cheaper, they are easier to truth is, those who have a dying
access, we will have them readily condition, those noncommunicable
available from this week in Nairo- diseases: diabetes, hypertension, ar-
bi, in Nyeri and wherever else our thritis, are most vulnerable and they
people might need. I am saying it is are the ones who are dying fastest.
up to us to develop a cure. It is up So, the healthier you live, the health-
to us to very quickly develop a local ier you eat, the more you run away
strategy of surviving the Covid-19. from the polluted urban setting to
Otherwise, it will be ironical for us rural areas, the higher your chance
to expect those who developed the of surviving Covid-19 and many of
disease, who spread the disease to those other emerging diseases that
us, whose agenda is to exterminate are before us.
us; it is ironical to expect them to
help us prevent dying from the same At the very least, think about
cause. Commonsense. these things and research them.
I know some people feel uncom-
In addition to teas, what else can fortable with this whole conversa-
they get from the clinic? tion and they would rather trust
We are encouraging our people to that the information that they are
develop habits of eating organic getting is a 100% accurate. But
foods, we are telling our people a there is a lot of information out
lot of the chemical foods they are there that you can look at to find
eating are compromising their im- options and alternatives in this
munity, they are compromising the whole Covid-19 scenario that you
functioning of their major organs: may not have heard of from your
the liver, the heart, the kidneys and mainstream media. It is no joke
the brain etc. And that by eating what we are facing, but together,
chemical-free food, you nourish as you have heard him say, we
your body without poisoning it, and can more than overcome, we can
you enhance your body to develop thrive.
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