Page 71 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 16
P. 71


                                                                                He/she receives the first material
                                                                                envelope that we call the mental
                                                                                envelope and the spirit enters into
                                                                                this mental envelop, in all truth it is
                                                                                the spirit that has the form of a hu-
                                                                                man. The morphology that we have
                                                                                is the morphology of the spirit. He
                                                                                receives the first envelope, which
                                                                                is the mental envelope that enables
                                                                                him/her to think, that enables him/
                                                                                her to create concepts, notions, to
                                                                                invent a cosmogony. And then he/
                                                                                she descends again semi-degree
                                                                                inferior and he/she receives the as-
                                                                                tral envelope, this astral envelope it
                                                                                enables him/her to have emotions,
          attached in a prison that we call a   (mental world). When one does not   feelings and be able to express him/
          material civilization, a materialistic   have a spiritual ray in his/her astral   herself in the manner of words.
          civilization.                      or mental envelop, at that moment   And, finally, see a man and a woman
                                             he/she develops ego. It is ego that   on the earth do an act of pro-cre-
          Materialistic people are certain-  is developed, it is the me-me-me,   ation/sexual intercourse and this
          ly intellectuals, but do not have a   because all is reduced to the material   spirit incarnates the body half-way
          liaison with the spiritual world, their   level.                      through the pregnancy into the 3rd
          astral and mental layer is enveloped                                  and last envelop which is the physi-
          with fathoms and demons or evil    Ladies and gentlemen, permit me    cal envelope.
          egregores. This is what has hap-   to tell you how the act of pro-cre-
          pened in Afrika, and this is what   ation (sex) needs to be done, or   And throughout his education, be-
          actually explains why the nature of   preparation for a child, and how   fore 12 years for a girl, and around
          the majority of our politicians and   does the spirit arrive to penetrate   14 years for a boy, we have to form
          our intellectual leaders is material-  the matter/physical body. When a   this child. He/she enters in nursery
          istic. They are not impacted by the   man and a woman have a project of   school to discover the society, and
          light that comes from other subtle   pro-creation, it means to call a spe-  then enters primary school to learn
          environments, some think they are   cial visitor to come to their house,   how to calculate, read, to situate
          spiritual, but in truth they are reli-  they engage in sexual intercourse. It   him/herself in space and time
          gious, religion is not spirituality.  In   means the man liberates 23 chromo-  through the interest of geography
          religion you live from the outside-in,   somes, the woman also liberates 23   and history, and then he enters in
          but in spirituality you live from the   chromosomes that makes up a total   secondary school that has two levels,
          inside-out. Master Yeshua gave a   of 46 chromosomes which consti-    junior secondary school and senior
          good example in the tax collector’s   tute the physical hereditary char-  secondary school. All this is to give
          house; religious people wash the   acteristics of the person that will   this child sufficient information, on
          outside of the cup, while spiritual   come. The person is not the enve-  the level of his/her mental body;
          people wash the inside of the cup. A   lope that the parents fabricated, the   not the spirit, because the spirit
          spiritual person searches for values   parents liberate the chromosomes in   comes from the spiritual world. The
          and virtues and in their environment   their physical image to fabricate the   spirit in the spiritual kingdom needs
          produces fruits of the spirit, while   animal body or physical body, but   no information technology, a spirit
          a religious person, uses the material   the spirit that will come to incarnate   in the spiritual kingdom needs no
          and earthly success as an elevation   in these different envelopes comes   expertise in masonry, the expertise
          before God.                        from the spiritual kingdom. Parents   that the spirit comes to cultivate
                                             provide the physical envelope, but   here are; fruits of the spirit like it is
          So the men and women of tomor-     before the spirit comes, the genius   mentioned in the book of Galatians
          row, cannot only be men and wom-   creators cover him/her already with   5:22, love, peace, joy, etc.
          en who are impacted by the astral   two other envelopes in the level of
          world, and the world of thoughts   matter.                            All these spiritual virtues that we

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