Page 76 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 16
P. 76

       Cover Story


                                  NO MORE LIMITATIONS

                                               Samuel Phillips

                    frika,  or  Alkebulan,   like every form, of limitation that   which most of its people live, Alge-
                    which many of us  call   men set around others, and like ev-  ria extends southward deep into the
                    home, has gone through   erything that is found under the sun,   heart of the  Sahara,  a  forbidding
          Alots and lots of setbacks.        time and seasons do come to create   desert where Earth’s hottest surface
          Her back  as  the  Mother Continent   a new beginning. So, concerning the   temperatures  have  been  recorded
          has been used and abused for gener-  limitations that have been placed on   and  which constitutes  more than
          ations, by those who only see her as   Afrika, her children and everything   four-fifths of the country’s area. The
          their cash cow and not as an entity to   she stands for, the time has come for   Sahara and its extreme climate dom-
          be loved, honored and wished well.   that cage of limitation to break and   inate the country. The contemporary
                                             break it must.                     Algerian novelist  Assia Djebar has
          She has been badly treated and bad-                                   highlighted the environs, calling her
          ly spoken of by both outsiders and   This is much about Algeria as much   country “a dream of sand.”
          insiders whose only agenda is to con-  as it is about the entire 55 nations of   History,  language,  customs,  and an
          tinue riping her apart for their selfish   Afrika and those of Afrikan descent   Islamic heritage make Algeria an in-
          agendas. She has been, both deliber-  in the  diaspora.  NO MORE LIM-  tegral part of the Maghreb and the
          ately or not, subjected to many years   ITATIONS.                     larger Arab  world,  but the country
          of trauma, pain, leadership failures,                                 also has a sizeable Amazigh (Berber)
          and the fleecing of her human and   About Algeria                     population, with links to that cultur-
          natural resources, all with a genera-  Algeria is a large, predominantly   al tradition. Once the  breadbasket
          tional, mental and ideological cage   Muslim country  of North  Afrika.   of the Roman Empire, the territory
          of limitations set  around  her. But,   From the Mediterranean coast, along   now  comprising Algeria was  ruled

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