Page 77 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 16
P. 77
by various Arab-Amazigh dynasties in the desert with extreme tempera- may work, but that definitely has an
from the 8th through the 16th cen- tures that discourages habitations expiry date attached to it.
tury, when it became part of the Ot- and even farming, in a way, illustrates
toman Empire. The decline of the the picture of the entire Afrika. We all are faced with things and peo-
Ottomans was followed by a brief ple that try to be the drivers of our
period of independence that ended Afrika has the largest accumulation lives. They think they are the only
when France launched a war of con- of natural resources in the world but ones with the mental capacity to take
quest in 1830. just a fraction of that wealth is in her our lives towards the “place meant
hands or in the hands of Afrikans for us”. But my advice is this, stop
By 1847 the French had largely sup- themselves, while the larger portion allowing life to happen to you. Create
pressed Algerian resistance to the in- is either stolen or mismanaged by your own life’s reality and outcomes.
vasion and the following year made those who think Afrika is their scrap- Most things that happen daily to
Algeria a département of France. yard. Nothing else shows the picture many are just the outcomes of oth-
French colonists modernized Al- of LIMITATION than this. Nothing er people’s position, agenda, actions,
geria’s agricultural and commercial else. thoughts and even will. Life must
economy but lived apart from the not be reactionary but actionary. Af-
Algerian majority, enjoying social and Stop allowing life to happen to rikans, for decades, have been living
economic privileges extended to few you as reactors to other people’s will but
non-Europeans. Ethnic resentment, Most times, at Msingi Afrika Maga- we need to create our own reality and
fueled by revolutionary politics in- zine, we do wish we could just wave narrative and live by them. Enough
troduced by Algerians who had lived our hands and the many unfair situ- of the struggles and the madness
and studied in France, led to a wide- ations in Afrika would just go away. called third world nations. We must
spread nationalist movement in the If that was possible, we could have stop giving strength to the will and
mid-20th century. A war of indepen- done that a long time ago. But it’s dramas that others create for us and
dence ensued between 1954–62. not. which are not for our good and start
But one thing I know I can do even to deliberately create and live by that
Algeria is bounded to the east by Tu- as I get involved in many other things which works for our destinies and
nisia and Libya; to the south by Ni- to help Afrika rise to her true self, is purposes on earth.
ger, Mali, and Mauritania; to the west to pray for the nations of Afrika.
by Morocco and Western Sahara; and Prayer for Algeria
to the north by the Mediterranean Limitations are now just stoppers So I pray for you beautiful nation
Sea. It is a vast country—the larg- that others put in the way of our of Algeria and the Algerian people,
est in Afrika and the 10th largest in progress, but most often, limitations even as I extend the same prayers
the world—that may be divided into are the way of progress that we as in- and good thoughts to every part of
two distinct geographic regions. The dividuals refuse to walk in. The men- Afrika and Afrikans in the diaspora.
northernmost, generally known as tal limitations that make us think that You were not made with limitations
the Tell, is subject to the moderating without the permission of the some in your DNA, neither was your des-
influences of the Mediterranean and white or black elites, we can’t move tiny that of perpetual dryness and
consists largely of the Atlas Moun- our feet, spiritual limitations that lack. So, I pray that you arise into
tains, which separate the coastal makes us depend on “spiritual”men the fullness of what your destiny and
plains from the second region in the for connection to God, physical lim- purpose in the Creator entails and
south. This southern region, almost itations that mostly are caused by un- begin to break every limitation in
entirely desert, forms the majority of necessary boundaries and even dis- your mind, your path, choices and in
the country’s territory and is situated eases and sickness of the body and your decisions going forward. I ask
in the western portion of the Sahara, the other many kinds of limitations that the mercy of the Almighty will
which stretches across North Africa. we allow in our lives. find you and make you stand right
(Source: above every form of limitation and
But the thing is, no man can stop or barrier that has kept you behind in
Afrika: no more limitations limit someone who is made up in the wheel of progress.
The natural landscape situation in Al- their minds to walk the pathway of
geria, in which four-fifths of the en- their purpose. For a time or season, May the good Lord bless you Algeria
tire Algerian landmass is found deep the limitations others put around us and Motherland Afrika.